‹ Prequel: Crush

I Promise You

And there's just you and meFalling head over feet

Its been a Five years, in three months it will be Nate's 5th Birthday, I was helping him get dressed after this morning he ran into our room with his cloths on backwards say " mommy look what i did im a big kid!" I Ran my hand threw his forming Curls he looks Alot like Nick right now. I got him finally ReDressed we were in the Kitchen Eatting when the Door Opend and Nick walked in " Daddy!" Nate yelled jumping down from the chair to run to Nick. He Picked up nate and hugged him " Hey buddy" Nick said kissing his Forehead before setting nate back down. Nate ran back to his Food I made something for Nick and we all sat down Eating " Guys I have News for you two " Nick said looking down " ok" I said " Im going to be late for the next few weeks Im helping Ashlee With her Record Sorry " He said i looked down And Sighed " Fine " I said getting up Nate looked confused " Nick you know his bed time right " I said looking at him As I grabed my keys kissing Nate goodbye and hugging him Nick glared at me for the Question and I left for the day hanging out with Demi and Dani.

When I got back It was around 1am I walked in seeing The house a Disater Nick Talking/ yelling at someone on thephone while nate was watching Tv with His Eyes Barrly Open I sighed Angerliy Turned off the tv and Picked up Nate " Bed Time Buddy" I said I got Him Dressed in his Pajamas and Tucked him In I walked down Stairs And took the phone from Nick and said " he'll call you back " I said hanging up Nick looked Furrious as me " Why The Hell Did you do that!" He said " Because I asked you to do one Simple thing To take care of Our Son and You didnt even do that His Bed Time is 7:30 Nick Its 1AM!" I yelled " 1AM hes only Four He shouldnt even be awak at 10!" " what ever Im Leaveing see you when ever!" he yelled Slaming the Door.