Sequel: Mystery Blood Part 2
Status: If you have read this story and want more read the sequel "Mystery Blood part 2"

Mystery Blood

chapter 9

I woke up in the hospital. Again. There were about three doctors hovering over me. The one wrapping my neck had light brown hair. The second one had short black hair. And the last one stitching my chest was the only girl with blonde hair in a pony tail.
“Where am I?” I thought I spoke loud but I was a little more than a whisper.
“Your in the emergency room. You were involved in a car accident, you lost a lot of blood.” The girl doctor informed me. When they were done stitching they wrapped a bandage around my torso.
“Push the red button next to your bed if you need help with anything.” The one with the short black hair said. “OK I will. Am I aloud to have visitors?” I asked.
They all looked at each other before the second doctor said, “Well you need to rest up a day or so before we will allow visitors. Only if you are well enough.”
“But you don't understand I need to speak with Todd.”I said in a small voice. “Sorry. No visitors.” The women said.
All the doctors left the room without another word. I laid my head on hard pillow on my bed and tried to sleep....
I dream t of Hayden again. She was in a forest twirling her little black dress. Her golden blond hair shimmered in the sunlight.
I looked down at my dreaming self and I had on the same black dress but my hair was put up in a bun. “Hello Taylor, its always nice to see you. I guess you decided not to help Lucas.” She said.
“Well how could I have. He wanted me to kill Todd and not sure about Rose. I think I killed her.” I said unsure.
Hayden walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder and asked, “Why can't you kill Todd?” OK what was she talking about. Me kill Todd?
Before I could even respond she continued, “Oh I see you fell in love with a vampire who killed the rest of your family.”
Well she got one part right. I was in love with him but she was also wrong... he did it to protect me Rose would have killed them and me at the same time.
“You don't understand he only did that because I was in danger from Rose. She has been trying to kill me ever since I found out that she was a vampire.” I said defending Todd.
“The only reason that she is trying to kill you is because you have bad blood in our family.” we were walking over to the entrance of the cave.
“What do you mean? I don't have bad blood.
“OK I'm not understanding anything. “OK lets see here. You have a sister and a father who has vampire blood and a mother and brother who has magic in their blood. So that makes you the mixed blood. Which I call 'bad blood'.”
I was without words once again. So what she is saying is that I'm a magical vamp. Wow I'm awesome. But I'm still confused..
“So why would Rose want to kill me if I'm part Vampire.” I asked her. “Because she thinks that your magic is dangerous to the world. All she can think of getting rid of the problem is to kill you.”
Wow I didn't see that coming. So Hayden ordered me, “Get out of here before you bring trouble here. Lucas will be here soon because I couldn't talk you into helping him.”
“Wait!!!!” I tried to tell her but the dream shattered and I woke up.
After that dream it was always the same thing going on. The doctor would come in and give me my medicine or something to eat. That Lasted until Saturday afternoon.
I finally talked the doc to allow me visitors. “So how have you been? Does it hurt?”Todd asked with a cracked voice.
“Not so good. And for the other question yes it hurts like hell.” I replied. I sat up just a little so I can look at him.
“Well if you want I could make some of the pain go away.” He said. Wow he really would do anything for me.
“That would be nice.” I whispered. Todd placed his hands on my hurt rib and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes to the soothing warmth of magic.
I had an image of my sister in the meadow. This must feel like when you go to heaven and you feel so relaxed all the time.
When it was over I couldn't even feel the stitches . I opened my eyes and I looked Todd in the eyes. He didn't pull his hands away so I put mine on top of his.
“Thank you. I feel tons better.” I told him. He put one of his hands on my cheek and the other holding my hand.
“Well I'm glad you are feeling better. Um... I should go outside and be a look out while you sleep.” He stood up and started toward the door.
“Wait I don't want you to go...” I said after him and then continued, “...Will you stay with me?” I asked.
I didn't want to be alone and he makes me feel safe. “You want me to stay while you sleep to?”He asked. That perfect smile I love lightened his face.
“Well yea I could use some company. I um... never mind.” I said but didn't continue. “You what?”He asked sitting beside me; taking my hand again.
“Well I need to ask you something. Is it common to talk to people in your dreams?” I asked. Oh my god that sounded so corny when I said it out loud.
“Um...only if you are a vampire. Wait why are you asking?” He asked looking confused. “Well I am half vampire. I just found out. And it doesn't make any sense at all.”
He didn't say anything. I think I caught him off guard. So I continued, “Well you see my sister and father are Full blood vampire and my mother and brother are only half which they only can use magic.”
He was speechless for almost a full minute. Both of his hands were on each of my cheeks. “That explains why Rose is trying to kill you. She thinks you are dangerous because you have magic in your blood.”
“Am I the only one that has mixed blood?” I asked tears leaking down my cheek. When he didn't say anything I started crying. I leaned my head on his shoulder.
He put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I haven't cried like this since I lost the rest of my family.
The sobs that kept coming were painful because of my rib. The doctor came in and said, “I just looked at the ex-rays and it looks like you have two cracked ribs.”Then he saw us and walked out the door.
“Well that sucks.”I said trying to lighten up the mood. Todd look really worried.
“I'm sorry.” I told him. I put my hand on his cheek.” Why are you sorry. I'm sorry I didn't step in sooner.” He replied.
He didn't have to say what happened because we both knew. “I'm glad you didn't because you would have gotten killed.” I said looking into his black eyes.
“Yea but you could have died.” He said taking both my hands this time.” Well thats makes two of us.” I replied.
He leaned down and our lips met. I twined my fingers in his black hair. His hand was behind my neck; pulling me closer to him.
I pulled back just enough to look into his eyes.” I love you.” was all he said. “I love you too.” I replied.
“Come. Lets go home.” He slid his hands under me and jumped out the window....