Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #10- January 6, 2010

Need to think.

Got to think.

Want to think.

Can't think...

I'm in double digits now. Interesting.

School sucked monkey butt.

Bunny said that he can't hang out this weekend.

Trevor is coming over on Saturday still as far as I know.

Alex may come and hang out.

Nick won't talk to me.

Mama is oblivious as usual.

Grama won't shut up about me being on the computer. (She's here right now.) She keeps going on about how it's a gateway to hell and I'm going to get sucked into a vortex of sins and lies.

News flash Grama; too late for that one.

Midterms are tomorrow. I'm going to fail all of them probably.

My arms hurt where the cloth of my jacket is touching them. And where they're leaning against the desk, but that's beside the point.

I'm having popcorn chicken from Wally-World (Wal-Mart) for dinner tonight. I want a coke really bad. For once we have some because my Grama really does love me deep down and brought us some because she new that we had nothing to drink besides tap water which is nasty beyond belief.

I feel like I sound very detached.

Do I?

I think I do.

I'm going to get a drink and lay on the couch.

I'll update later tonight after dinner.

Bye for now.

♠ ♠ ♠
The last two updates have been really short.
I promise in the next couple of days there are going to be some really long ones to make up for them.
And by the way. I see I have 7 subscribers but only two people ever actually comment. o.o
Whats up with that people!?
Don't be a silent reader! It kills baby turtles!