Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #11- January 7, 2010

Ha! I'm in school at the time this is being written. It's third hour. That would mean English. The teacher is talking about how our English midterm has been postponed till tomorrow.

I love how I'm not paying any attention to her at all and she knows it, but she hasn't said anything.

I'm hungry. I hope Bunny has a good lunch to share with me. But lunch is two hours away... And I have Gym next hour. I have no idea if we'll be doing anything. The science fair projects are in there right now.

After Gym I have to go to History. The teacher is making us do social studies fair projects. Me and Trevor are doing one together on teenage depression. Ironic, no? (We didn't even pick our own topics. The teacher picked them for us.)

After that is lunch. Yummy.

Then choir. What fun.

Then Alex, Bunny, Trevor, and I all have Algebra I. It's the only class that we have all together besides choir. Being a freshman in an all upper upperclassman German class is annoying.

I had that last hour. The teacher has it out for me I swear!

About to go to Gym now. Bye!


--We didn't do anything in Gym after all. How boring...
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I got bored in 3rd hour today cause I finished my manga. :)
(No I actually don't have English 3rd hour. I TA. :O)