Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #12- January 7, 2010 Part Two

I'm at my grama's house writing in my pen and paper journal! (Obviously if you're reading this I'm not anymore but that's beside the point. Just go with it OK? Use your imaginary imagination.)

Sound's fun right?

I'm waiting for Grama to make dinner and then for Mama to come pick me up and take me home. Nick is at Jynx's house so he didn't have to come here. I'm pretending to do homework so Grama wills top yelling at me.

It was along the lines of I'm a young girl so I should have friends that are young girls rather than my three guy friends.

I got sick of it after an hour. I'm in the living room kind of watching MTV, but not really. I'm about to see what cartoons are on.

Spongebob and Flapjack.

Neither amuses me. I'm waiting to see if there's anything interesting on Discovery.

Some sort of murder show? I'm not sure. It's caught my attention though so I'll watch it.

I'm kind of munching on frosted wheat square cereal. It's yummy.

They're trying to get the murderer to confess that he's crazy. He's been in and out of a mental hospital since he was fifteen.

My therapist from before wanted to send me to a rehabilitation hospital. Never did. mama might have if we had had the money to pay for it. I would have gone insane in a place like that.

If I ever started therapy again my Grama would probably pay for me to go to rehabilitation. I desperately don't want to go.

Damn... Inmate show now. Time to see what's on History Channel.

It's Mega Disaster.

Hm... Teen Mom is on MTV. I'ma watch this. I'm really hungry. I can't text anyone because my phone is at home.

I have English midterm tomorrow. I'ma fail horribly. Maybe. Depends on how the test is set up. If it's writing I'll be fine. If it's multiple choice I might as well drop out of high school right now.

I want to see the movie Daybreakers. It looks cool.

I need another drink really bad. I already drank the one Pepsi I had an hour ago.

The kid on this show, Bently, is so cute. He reminds me of Kayden. He's my little cousin. (Two-years old.) Him, my aunt Jeenah, and her son Peet are the only ones here now. They're going to be here for two more weeks until Jeena's ex-husband moves.

It seems like the women on my mom's side of the family have problems with men.

I hope its not genetic! (I'm not really too concerned about it either way.)

Jeenah needs me to hold Kayden for a bit so I'ma stop writing now.

--By the way, I started writing at 4:45 and finished at 5:14 and as I'm posting this it's... 7:16 PM.
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I was putting off doing an English paper. XD