Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #13- January 7, 2010 Part Three

Wow I think this is the first time I've done a three-part entry in one day.

Odd? Possibly.

My little cousin Kayden is so cute. Sorry but I'm a girl and I just love little babies. Especially the two-year olds and younger in my family.

My grama ticked me off even more. Surprised? You shouldn't be if you are.

When I was holding Kayden in my lap and of course playing with him, trying to get him to say my name right (right now it sounds like he says Kishin) Grama says, "Christian you look like you're supposed to be holding a child. Let's all hope you don't end up like your mother with all of those boys drooling on your heels."

She gave me this look like she thought I was already having sex and that I was a slut or something. It pissed me off needless to say.

I was so happy when Mama came to get me. When I was saying goodbye to Kayden he hugged me and said, "Buh-bye Kishin." and gave me a kiss. He really is cute.

It is so fucking cold here. Our heater isn't working! I can't feel my fingers. It's making typing a bit difficult.

Oh shit... I have no idea what Mama is watching on TV but the sounds are just so random!

I'm shivering so bad right now. Rascal is in my lap right now. He's so heavenly. Like a giant moving, fluffy hot water bottle! (That was so grammatically incorrect I'm pretty sure... I'm so failing my English midterm tomorrow!)

Mama somehow found a channel showing a bunch of Japanese stuff! The song they're playing right now is absolutely hilarious!

I'm extremely tired... My stomach hurts really bad... I want to go to bed but I have to finish typing my paper for Art. Yeah... I actually did my project on time. Proud of me? If not you should be God dammit...

DAMN! This song is distracting!

In case you were wondering I'm going back and forth between my eight page paper and this. The paper is very complicated. I used big words I didn't know I knew.

Oh shit... I went to rub my eye and my fingers were like ice!

My hands and my back and hips and shoulders all ache really bad... Damn short building...

WOO! I'm done with my Art midterm paper! Booyah! (Yeah I so just said that.)

If Bunny was here I would do the Carameldansen dance with him. I want gum... I wonder if Mama has gum in her purse...

Yum! The green 5 gum! Heaven in gum form.

I don't look like I would be a teen mom do I? I mean seriously...

I've never even kissed anyone except Bunny and that's like... the French! Nothing actually romantic. And it's rare. Only when we're hyper and see each other or when we haven't' seen each other in a really long time. It's like kissing a brother, cousin, or even Mama!

Me and Trevor do sleep in the same bed when we stay at each others houses but we never actually do anything. We've never even kissed.

Alex likes me but I don't like him like that so obviously I'm not going to do anything with him. He knows that too. We just sort of play flirt sort of. He knows I don't like him like that. I've told him.

I think the reason Grama had her granny panties in a bunch was because Mama mentioned that Trevor and Alex were going to be hanging out on Saturday and her and Nick aren't going to be here all night. For Pete's sake I've been alone with all three of them for two days in a row before!

I know she's just being a grandma... but still...

As far as the Nick thing goes... He has officially stopped speaking to me. Mama hasn't asked about it... Yet...

Damn my lap's could now because Rascal moved!

Oh my God! The funny song again!

I wish you guys could hear this it's hilarious! They played this one earlier it was so cute! Then there's one where they're dancing and it's entertaining.

Holy shit! I found out yesterday that there are two new Pokemon versions coming out! (Yeah I'm a Pokemon dork. Get over it.) They're remakes of Pokemon Gold and Silver and I'm EXCITED!

They come out in March for the DS. Which my uncle John got me for Christmas! SCORE!

My slow printer is finally finished printing my paper!

Please note that in my mind I held it up to the skies as heavenly light shone down and an angelic choir sang in the background.

Oh Jesus! Mama found a Scrubs marathon! GOT TO GO!

♠ ♠ ♠
If you want to listen to the songs that were mentioned in this chapter they can be found at this location:
And also I just want to say to anyone who watches Scrubs that I saw a guy who looked EXACTLY like the janitor today.... It freaked me out...
And for those who care, the thing about the Pokemon games is true. I freaked out and had to put it in here! X3
I'm a dork, so sue me!