Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #14- January 8, 2010

Hey... So here's the deal... I'm basically dead right now... I'm so fucking exhausted it is not funny.

The English midterm was an epic fail... No seriously... I got a 5/100... I may end up having to repeat the course.

Algebra I midterm was about the same. 25/100. Again may have to repeat the course.

In Physical Science I got 28/100. I'm just batting a thousand huh...?

I got 92/100 on my Art. Which is good considering I want to be an artist if I live long enough.

In choir we didn't have a midterm. Not in Gym either.

German was actually not that bad. 63/100. Better than I thought I was going to get.

Basically though, I may end up repeating the 9th grade... Oh what fun...

Nick still isn't talking to me. Mama was pissed about my grades. She usually doesn't care too much but she said that was "completely and entirely and unbelievably ridiculous".

She was ranting about it for an hour before she had to go to work. Nick literally stood there and stared at me like I was a piece of dog shit the entire time...

Great for my self-esteem really... (Really I'm not sure I have any left... I think it's in the negatives.)

Fuck... dammit... that fucking hurt...

Sorry I'm sort of not making sense... I just need something to at least kind of keep my mind occupied.

The old phone I found is dead... So now I have no way of contacting Trevor, Bunny, or Alex...

Mama's now re-pissed about the phone incident... (She tried texting me and when I never answered she texted Nick and he told her... So yeah...)

I haven't eaten anything today... I have no appetite whatsoever...

I just want to go curl up in my bed and literally die...

Dammit... Nick just walked into the room and said, "Thinking of a way to finally kill yourself Squirt?"

When I looked at him he had the disgusted look on his face again...

I don't have the energy, nor the will, to fight back...

Please understand I did try on my exams. I just plain cannot grasp any of the lessons... Either I completely don't understand or I'll be trying to pay attention and I just can't. I know that last part sounds like it's actually just me not paying attention but... I really can't... I try...

You know what... Just forget it...


♠ ♠ ♠
I always try to update daily and so far I have been. Tomorrow I will not update! I repeat. I will not update on January 9, 2010.
I'm having a friend over that I haven't hung out with in a long time and I don't want to exclude her by sitting down to type on the computer.
There will be an entry for the date of January 9, 2010. Just please note that it will be posted Sunday rather than the actual date of the entry as the others have been. (Excluding I think the 1st couple of chapters. Can't remember for sure.)

I still love people who give me comments. :)
Please and thank you!