Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #15- January 15, 2010

Wow... It has literally been a week since I last wrote to you peeps. I'm sorry. This week has been slightly crazy... You've all been in those IMs, chat rooms, and such and seen the smilies that look like this: O.O right? That's basically my expression for the week. All because of Saturday...

To give you a general idea of my week though before I go into that, here is my version of a "Journal Catchup" we'll call it.

Saturday: Hung out with Alex and Trevor all day. Trevor spent the night.

Sunday: Hung out with Trevor at his house watching cartoons.

Monday: New semester in school. Choir was assigned solos for spring concert. Oh goody...

Tuesday: School. Hung out at Paul's shop afterward so I wouldn't have to go to Grama's house.

Wednesday: School. Nick still isn't talking to me at all...

Thursday: School. Went home (to Grama's) because I almost passed out. I spent the night there and spent all day Friday there because I had a fever.

Friday: No school. I was at Grama's all day with a fever. I still have one but I'm back home now.

Mama, Nick, and me are actually all home tonight. That's the first time that's happened in what seems like a really long time.

I'm still "sick". I have a 100 degree fever, my head hurts, my hands are shaking, my stomach is slightly upset, and I've been dizzy since Thursday. Mama wants me to go to the doctor tomorrow. Yip dee doo da freaking day...

My aunt bought me a new cell phone last Friday. She gave it to me on Saturday when she stopped by the house to say "good-bye" because her and the littles went home. It was awesome.

OK... Now to explain what the heck went on on Saturday...

Saturday-January 9, 2010

I woke up at about 7 AM because Mama was moving around a lot. I got up because I didn't feel like laying there because my room is freezing and all of my warm blankets were somewhere on Jupiter.

I went out there and Mama was just kind of messing around in the kitchen. She ended up making both of us hot chocolate and bagels with that yummy nutella stuff on them and we sat on the sofa and watched cartoons for about two hours.

At 9 AM Mama went to work.

At 9:30 AM Trevor and Alex finally came over. I finished watching Chowder and then at 10 AM we all went down my street, then across to Dave's house where Alex's horse is being stabled. We stayed in the barn for about two hours and were playing with her and this really fat barn cat named Mr. Phinkleton.

At 12 PM Nick and Jynx showed up and Jynx said that his mom told him to come and get us and bring us for lunch because, and I quote, "Christian is such a skinny little twig that if she doesn't eat something she might blow away in the wind and she'll end up in Colorado somewhere and she'll get raped by a hobo." Yes that is what she said...

Anyway we went and ate. It was really yummy. Jynx's mom might be crazy but she can cook.

At about 1 PM Alex, Trevor, and I got bored and came back home. (Nick stayed the night at Jynx's I guess.) We played video games till about 4 PM when Mama came home. She and her friend from her night job, Lanita, made us tacos. They were delectable.

Mama left to go to her night job at 6 PM and we played some more games, got on the computer a bit, and watched TV till Alex's grandmammy (she gets mad if we call her anything else...) came to get him at 10 PM.

Here's where it gets interesting folks...

Alex kissed me...

I'll repeat it and even bold and italicize it for those who don't believe it...

Alex kissed me!

Can you say freaked out!?

I was really caught off guard and was pretty astonished. This where that smiley comes into play:


I don't know if anyone will understand what I'm about to say but I'm going to say it anyways.

When he kissed me it felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped over my head.

When he actually left I was in shock. I was just standing there dumbfounded.

I finally got sense to go sit back at the computer and I texted Bunny.

The conversation went like this:

Bunny: WTH!???
Bunny: ...holy shit...

At about that time Trevor came out of the shower and I tried to act as normal as possible. I don't think he ever really figured out that anything was wrong.

At about 1:45 AM we finally decided to go to bed.

We went into my room and I was throwing stuff off of my bed and he suddenly tackled me from behind and was tickling me. We got into a tickle/pillow fight till about 2:30 AM.

Then we FINALLY actually got in bed and turned the light out and everything.

I was texting Bunny to tell him "good-night" and Trevor looked at my phone when Bunny responded (cause of the noise). When I looked up at him he stared at me and I just stared back.

And guess what...

He leaned in and kissed me.

I was caught off guard but unlike Alex he didn't pull away and I ended up kissing back without really realizing what was going on.

I said that when Alex kissed me it felt like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on my head.

When Trevor kissed me it felt like a bucket of ice water had been poured into my spine and was slowly spreading throughout my body.

After that one kiss we really haven't done anything else. He hasn't brought it up or tried to kiss me again. Nothing...

Can you say "HOLY FUCKING SHIT"?

Anyway I must eat and shower now. I'll be back to talk more later tonight. I'll give you time to process all of this information. Maybe you'll get it faster than me. (I still haven't fully comprehended it.)

Ta ta for now.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the extreme delay! I was having issues keeping up with life. o.o