Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #16- January 15, 2010

Ugh... I know I said I was going to talk more tonight but now that my spazz attack is over the fact that I'm sick is catching up to me...

I'm exhausted to the point it is an effort to type this right now.

It is... 7:45 PM right now...

Damn that's early for me to even be considering going to bed...

I really am basically dead though...

Shiznit my phone scared the crap out of me...

I'm listening to the Chipmunk version of Right Round. I love it. It's fun. Funny? Something like that...

If I wasn't so tired I'd dance to it with Mama. I kind of want to anyway except I have a dangerous premonition that if I try to I will fall and hit my head on the desk... That, so I'm told, is not good.

I wanna sleep on the sofa tonight... I know that was gramagratically incorrect but I'm half dead so I'm allowed the purposeful noncorrectness. At least for tonight.

Mama says that I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. Blaaaah.

That's what I say to that...

I hate doctors. They annoy me to no end.

Maybe cause I was in the hospital for so long? Maybe not? I don't know... Therefore I don't think you'd know. So I'll stop asking pointless questions.

I think I may end up falling off of this chair if I don't lay down soon...

I'd fall on carpet... But I still don't think it'd be too terribly good for me to fall off of the chair...

The music is off now... There's a guy on TV talking about being bitten by an elephant and he can see his intestines coming out.


Now he's talking about the pain being so bad that he's going to reach into his chest and dislocate his heart so that he'll die. But he doesn't. I've seen the episode of this show before. Well I've listened to it. I hardly ever watch it. I always fall asleep to them.

The thing with Trevor just now popped into my head. It makes me wanna slam my aching, pounding head onto the desk...

There's a show about ghosties coming on after a new "I Shouldn't Be Alive" next. Sweetness. I love shows about ghosties. They entertain me greatly.

Mama just offered to sit on the computer chair and Nick's going to sit on the floor so that I can lay on the sofa.

I'ma go. The sofa calls to meh.


♠ ♠ ♠
I'm tired and don't feel like writing anymore tonight...>.>