Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #18- January 28, 2010

I'm alive...

Guess what I've been doing for the past over a week?

Can you guess?


I was in a coma again! (I'm fairly certain being in that many coma's isn't healthy...)

I woke up... Today's... Thursday the nurse said... So I woke up... Monday the nurse said... Yeah... My brain still befuddled is...

My aunt who got me the new phone sent me a laptop as a get well present...

Hence how I'm on here while I'm still in the hospital.

I have to stay here for a long time for "observation" I guess is what the doctor said... I wasn't paying attention.

Anyways allow me to fill you in on what all happened back there.

I slit my arms... obviously. If you didn't get that then you're rather stupid and may need to get that checked.


I blacked out rather quickly because I actually did a good job of it this time...

Shortly after I blacked out Nick came into my room for something though and found me.

He took me to the hospital (I was never told the details of that) and I had to have blood transfusions because I had lost so much blood.

I was in a coma-like state from the 19th till whatever date Monday of this week was.

Both my arms are wrapped up from my elbows all the way to where my fingers start on my hands. Kinda like gloves with the fingers cut off. It's kind of annoying.

The nurses pretty much despise me I'm sure of it.

I won't do really anything that they tell me. And if they ask me something I just stare at them.

I haven't talked since I woke up. Not a word.

Mama and Nick haven't come to see me since I woke up. The nurse told me that they knew I was awake...

I have my phone. Trevor, Bunny, and Alex haven't even tried to get a hold of me.


I'm sharing a room with this old lady who has some form of cancer so she has to live at the hospital. She's really nice.

When the nurse couldn't get me to tell her what I wanted her to put the TV on to she just put it on MTV but it was on something stupid like... I don't know... Teen Cribs?

The old lady (Maileen is her name I think) took the remote once the nurse left and started flipping through the channels. She would look at me whenever she got to one she thought I would want to watch and if I didn't show any interest in it she would change it.

Eventually she put it on Chowder on Cartoon Network.

She has a daughter and a grandson.

They're nice too. They come to visit her almost everyday.

Her grandson's name is Seth.

He's been trying to get me to talk all week.

He's really nice and funny.

I don't talk to him though. It's more a game between me and him than actually me refusing to talk to him.

I do refuse to talk to the nurses just because they act like high rolling bitches...

I'm extremely tired. I'm on pain medications. They knock me out usually in like five minutes.

It's been thirty minutes since I took them.

So I'm basically dead.

I think I'ma go to sleep.

I'll type to you again tomorrow when the nurses allow me my electronics once again. (They almost didn't let me have my computer because I wasn't eating my dinner.)

Bye for now...

♠ ♠ ♠
I lost a subscriber... :(
I had 10 but after that last chapter it dropped to 9...
I am sad now...
(I'm not gonna update this till Saturday. Going to a party tomorrow night.)
Comment gosh darnit! I feel like I really am typing to imaginary people! >~<