Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #3- January 1, 2010 Part 2

Hi imaginary people... Me for the second time today...

I know I said that I hated this journal thing... Believe me I do. But I'm so pissed right now that I need an outlet and this was the best thing I could think of at the moment.

I'm at my Grama's house right now writing in an actual notebook (call me emo... I dare you...) though I don't know why I'm telling you that because when you read this it'll be on the computer.

Anyway I'm pissed off at my Grama...

She's nagging me again.

I'm so sick of her. God forbid I fucking be myself...

She kept talking about me behind my back.

The problem?

She was making it so that it was impossible for me not to hear.

It's more annoying to not be accepted by my own family than actually hurtful. She could at least try and not let me hear it...

My bitch of a cousin didn't help the matter.

Her name is Mayryse. She lives in Florida. She's a blonde cheerleader. She calls me 'Emo Kid' constantly. As if I don't hear that enough at school...

I called Trevor. I'm going back to his house in a few minutes. I'm going to post this then.

I still don't know why I'm saying this because when you read it...

Well yeah I don't quite understand what I'm saying anymore...

I'll update you imaginary people later.

♠ ♠ ♠
This entry was a build up for the next entry where stuff is going to start being revealed. :)
Probably not because I only know of one person who is reading this... OoO
Anyways I still want comments though so?
Please and thank you? <3