Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #6- January 3, 2010

Life... is very boring.

Or maybe that's just me...

I found my iPod. It was in the back of my closet. Don't ask how it got there. I have no idea.

I'm listening to Black Veil Brides right now. According to the guy at the beginning of "Knives and Pens" I'm in some cult. Hm... interesting.

I also found an old cell phone. I put the SIM card from my broken one into it. The screen flickers, but it's better than nothing. I called Bunny. He's coming home tonight. He's going to come see me tomorrow. I told Trevor what happened. He said, "CD..." I swear I could feel him shaking his head through the phone.

I'm hungry... I haven't eaten anything all day. I don't feel like getting up to get food though.

Mama's home. She's on the sofa watching God knows what. She has tonight off. She hasn't talked to me since she got home. Nick is still at Jynx's house.

He came home earlier to get more cloths. He didn't say anything to me though. Jynx was with him. He just stood in the doorway and looked at me with a look that I can't place my finger on. I was doodling with music blasting in my ears at the time.

I hadn't put a jacket on. Jynx couldn't see because of the sofa but I know Nick saw. He didn't say anything though...

Today just is not my day... I know he remembers... I didn't think he'd be so mad at me that he wouldn't even stay home with me today...

Bunny asked how I was doing. I told him I needed him here with me really badly. Trevor called. He didn't say anything about it but I could tell by his voice that it was on his mind...

Maybe that's why Mama won't talk to me? I don't really know for sure... I just really wish that Bunny or Trevor, or at least Nick, was here right now.

Alex doesn't know why today would be so important. I don't want to tell him. It's better if he doesn't know.

Just remembering it is making my head ache.

I ought to do my homework. I've got D's in all of my classes right now. Well most. I've got an A in Gym. All I have to do is dress out though. I've got a B in Art. I would probably have an A if I turned my projects in on time. I have a project due on Friday.

"Draw your own interpretation of light and dark."

I haven't even started yet. I'll probably turn it in late, just like everything else for that class.

I can't think of anything else to say but I don't feel like stopping.

My stomach is screaming at me...

I have deep blue eyes...

I love Rugrats and Dr. Seuss...

I think that Bill Gates is really a robot...

When I sing I'm told I sound like the singer from Paramore...

I really want a cat. I think that's the third time I've said that...

I'm currently in the process of reading about ten different books...

My only indulgence is different colored converse. They amuse me greatly.

Hospitals used to scare me. Now they only bore me.

I'm CDO (OCD) about how my pillowcase goes on my pillow.

I don't like black or blue pens. They're so... used...

It bugs me when my nails aren't painted... They look so naked.

If I don't have my snakebites in it will drive me insane.

Writing calligraphy dragon script amuses me greatly.

I think I might have a problem...

♠ ♠ ♠
I was bored and procrastinating doing my homework... >.>
Thank you?