Status: I have no interest in writing right now. It's OFFICIALLY ON HOLD!

The Journal

Entry #7- January 4, 2010

Wow... It so does not feel like this is my seventh entry...

Now I feel like a hypocrite...

Bunny is here! He's watching me type this.

Hi imaginary people! Be nice to my Chrissy OK?

He's been wanting to say "hi" to you imaginary people for a while now.

I really can't think of anything to say actually...

Let me talk to them!

It's my journal though.

I'll tell them about you!

...Fine... I want a shower anyway...

Yay! Anyway, hi again imaginary internet people. I'm Bunny! I've been in Florida for...two weeks? Yeah I think it's two weeks. I'm not sure though the days blended together.

Let's see... Stuff about Chrissy-dear... She's short. She'll hurt me for that one later...

She's really sweet when she wants to be. She once threw a book at me when I made fun of Dr. Seuss...

She calls me a toothpick but she's skinnier than I am.

She likes Trevor. Don't believe her when she says she doesn't because she does. She really will kill me for that one but oh well!

Her favorite color is red. She loves/hates Christmas. well... I saw that she already talked about how she cuts... (Yeah I'm looking at her old entries right now to see what you already know.)

I have no idea how she does it sometimes. She can be sitting right next to someone and not even appear to be moving but if you pull her sleeve back she'll have fresh cuts. It's baffling...

Hm... I just read her entry from last night. The reason she cut off was because she cut too deep and had to bandage it. I really don't get her a lot of the time. I see she didn't tell you why yesterday was so... bad?

Well January 3, 2008 was her third attempt at suicide. And her most drastic might I add. The first two times she only slit her wrists. That time... Have any of you ever seen a music video called "Don't Jump/Spring Nicht" by Tokio Hotel? If you have... that's what she did. If you haven't seen it... well... she jumped(purposefully fell?) off of a building.

It wasn't very high though so she didn't die (obviously) but she was in a coma for a week and was in the hospital for six weeks. Hence why she mentioned that hospitals bore her.

As far as I know she hasn't tried anything since then. I'm worried that she's going to though. It's like flood waters behind a dam. Sooner or later the dam's going to burst.

Happier subjects now! Who likes cake? I like cake... I want popcorn chicken really bad. I wonder if my sister will get us some... I don't think she will. She'll say, "Danial I'm not going to go all the way to Wal-mart to get popcorn chicken then drive all the way to Christian's house!"

Aw... Chrissy wants my parents' heads to explode. How sweet. I'm not too worried about them though. Not anymore. I don't live with them anymore so it's a lot better than it was before.

Wow I so got off track! What was I talking about again?

You were about to say that I'm back and that you're getting off the computer.

Oh yeah! Chrissy's back! I'm getting off of the computer now! Bye!

Wow, he typed a lot... I don't feel like reading it right now but I'm sure I will later and I'm sure that in the next couple of days you'll hear about a poor boy named Bunny who was viciously murdered by his best friend.

Now he's chanting about popcorn chicken though and that's making me hungry so I'm going to go scavenge the kitchen for something edible.

Type to you later imaginary peeps.

--And Bunny!
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I was bored and wasn't sure what exactly to write. I knew Bunny had to be in this one. And when I started typing that just sort of popped in my head... Blah... I don't really like this chapter...