Status: Finished

You Saved My Life. If Only I Could Remember Your Name.

Audrey Parker wakes up in a hospital with a boy she doesn't know sitting beside her. She remembers everything about her life except the event that put her in the hospital. This even is a shooting that took place at her mother's daycare. Audrey managed to save the kids, losing her mother in the process. This boy, her boyfriend, Thomas, saved her life when he managed to get the gun away from the shooter. This is the story of Audrey struggle to remember.
  1. Waking Up
    Audrey first wakes up and learns what has happened.
  2. Adjusting
    Audrey gets used to life without her mother and with her temperamental boyfriend
  3. Breaking Down
    Audrey finally takes in everything that happened. She begins to have flashbacks of that day.
  4. Flashing Back
    Audrey begins to remember more specific details of what happened at the shooting.
  5. Getting Answers
    Audrey tries to figure out who Thomas actually is and why he is lying.
  6. Seeing Black
    Audrey goes to Thomas' to get the truth and gets more than she bargained for.
  7. Waking Up Again
    Audrey wakes up from yet another traumatic experience