His Treasure

New Year's Blues

The town was called Crystal Springs. Weird ‘cause to me the name sounds more suitable for bottled water. Considered that I was practically banished from Huntington Beach I knew I should’ve gone somewhere far, far away. Hell, I was loaded enough to do so but something—perhaps my sheer laziness—made me stay here. Maybe I was damned near possessed when I walked into the town, looked at the ‘For Sale’ sign on a white flat and then bought it.

That same night, here I was, on Old Year’s Night, in a bar drinking beer after beer, depressed and drunk. Definitely drunk.

Funny, if someone had told me last Old Year’s that this was what I would be doing, I would’ve laughed in their face. Hell, last New Year’s Eve I was surrounded by my friends with my girlfriend hanging off my arm like the hot piece of ass she was.

Now really, she just seemed like a hoe. And that was a damn shame.

I looked up to see a woman walking towards me wearing a pair of black shorts, a light blue top and some heels that made her legs look mighty amazing. Her curly long hair was tied up and her brown eyes were framed with long, thick lashes. Not to mention her lips.

“Hey sugar, what a fella like you doin’ all alone?” The woman's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I could hear people counting down the new year.



“Sorry, not lookin’ for an easy lay,” I said. The woman thinned her lips.


“Fuck you, I don’t need this shit from some fucker who stinks of stale beer! I can’t believe I trusted my damned friends.” She walked off. What the fuck? Quickly I got up and grabbed her arm.

“Hey! As a new citizen of this place, I deserve respect!” I yelled at her. Her eyes narrowed and then she smiled sweetly.


“Oh, I’m sorry.” Then she kneed me. “Welcome you dickless piece of shit.”


“Happy New Year!” screamed from everywhere. I could feel confetti fall on my face as I fell to the ground in pain.

Fuck, my balls.
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Okay, new story....yep. Comments and all that Jazz....