Status: Complete. Real or not real? Real =)

Another Tribute

A Piece of Home

I awaken to the sounds of trumpets and horns in the morning air. As I blink awake, I find that my head is gently nestled into Eli's chest. He wakes up a little slower than me, and for a moment I become lost in his face, memorizing each and every curve. Because if anything happens today, I want this moment to flash before my eyes. Beautiful and pefect and peaceful. I want to be able to picture his face before death. If I have a flashback of my life while I slip away, I sure as hell want him int it. But then I remember the trumpets, and I know an announcement will be made that could possibly lead to my dimise.

Wow, how thoughtful of the Capitol. I can't even have a day to enjoy the fact that Eli is alive and that we're...together?

I'm not really sure about that to be honest, and I'm scared. I know Eli won't hurt me, but I'm going to be careful. Nico ruined me for life I think.

"Good morning, Auden," Eli says, grinning. When I don't grin back he looks confused.

"I guess so," I reply.

"What's the problem? Are you having second thoughts about yesterday, 'cuz I'll understand..." he says seriously. I laugh at that.

"No,'s not that," I say, Relief floods his eyes and he smiles without a care in the world.

"Oh. Well then...what?"

"I just have a forboding feeling...that today's...not going to be as good as yesterday," I explain to him. He looks thoughtful for a moment, but then he breaks out into a huge grin.

"Maybe we can change that," he says, pulling me closer. I have to admit that his warmth makes my heart flutter, but that doesn't stop my worries about getting hurt again. He or I...or both...are going to die here, and getting attatched is not the best scenario.

I'm pretty sure he can feel my hesitation, and he lets go.

"We better go outside and see what's going on," I say, refering to the announcement to come. We both get up and walk outside our cozy cave, climbing the limbs of the nearest tree to get a better view of the sky. Just as we reach a comfortable vantage point, a face appears on a floating screen in the sky. Link Magoo?

"Hello survivors!" he says cheerfully. Well, someone had their morning coffee.

"It's time for the first big announcement! Top five!" he says, looking so excited he could burst with anticipation. It takes a moment for this to really sink in.

"Eli...we made the top five...we...did it?" I say, bewildered. Never in a million years had I imagined I'd make it this far, and with an ally to boot. Eli carefully slides his hand into mine and squeezes it, silently conveying the same message.

"First, however, we in the Capitol have a big surprise for you!" Link says, his giddiness almost seeming grotesque to me. What good could this surprise possibly bring?

"If it's a pack of ravenous squirrels, he can keep his lovely surprise," Eli says, grinning mischieviously. I have to laugh, even though it's completely plausible. I wonder what everyone at home thinks of our comraderie?

"We here in the Capitol have been noticing a severe decrease in morale, troops! So, we're going to pep you up with a visit from someone special from home!" he explains, confetti exploding behind him on the screen.

Link Magoo lets it set in for a couple of seconds. I'm strangely petrified by this idea, and I look to Eli to see what he thinks. His face looks as pale as death, as if all the blood has rushed out of it. Not the reaction the Capitol was hoping for I imagine.

"Hovercrafts will come pick you up shortly, so just stay right where you are!" Link says, dissappearing. Moments later, a hovercraft labeled "12" flies overhead and lets down a metal ladder. I don't hesitate to grab on, but Eli doesn't move.

"Come on Eli, we have to go," I say, jittery with anticipation. Who will they send for me?

And that's when I realize what the problem is.

"There's nobody back home for me," Eli says, looking downcast. I retreat back down the ladder and hold out my hand to pull him up. He shakes his head.

"Eli, could be valuable."

"I'm sorry Auden, I can't."

"Eli...please...with me?" I ask, my hand still outstretched. He looks intently into my eyes, and I stare straight back at him, hopefully convincingly. He sighs and grabs my hand, allowing me to pull him up. I feel an electric current go through my body, and I realize I'm completely glued to the ladder and Eli's hand. Slowly, the ladder is pulled up into the hovercraft and we are released to Diedre and Franko.

"Hello dears! We're just so excited that you've made it!" Diedre says, embracing me tightly. I try to hug her back, but it feels strange to see her again. I'm surprised she didn't ask me to take a shower first.

"Diedre and I will make you look all spiffed up for your "special person"!" Franko says, motioning for Eli to follow him. Before he follows him, Eli comes back to me and gives me a gentle peck on the lips. I give him a smile, but I'm too nervous to do much else.

"Oh, aren't you two just the most tragical thing I've ever seen!" Diedre says, sniffling. I ignore her hysterics and watch Eli walk away.

"So, can I request not to wear a poofy dress or is it mandatory?" I ask, somewhat attempting to be funny but mostly serious.

"Oh, no, silly! I'll just put you in something simple," she says, pushing me in the direction of what looks like a shower.

"Now you go get clean and then I'll work my magic!" Diedre says, waving goodbye. I step into the shower and take a moment to look around. The water starts on its own, and I realize that everything must be pre-planned out so that nothing goes wrong. Can't loose a contenstant before the grand meeting, now can we?"

As I step out of the shower, I look into the mirror and barely recognize my face. Spotless, battle scars? It's strange to see myself so clearly after only catching gimpses in water reflections.

"Oh good, you're done!" Diedre says, not bothering to give me a robe or anything before pushing me into a seat. It's pretty weird to sit around in a room with dozens of people with just a towel on, trust me.

After what seems like forever, I'm finally finished. I can feel my hair flowing around my face in soft curls, and my clothes are a simple brown pants with a fitted green tank top.

"Oh my, child, you are as lovely as a chocolate pie," one of the assistants says, sighing. I wonder if that's a compliment or not.

"It's nice to see you clean after all this time of watching you as a mess!" another girl says, laughing. Or at least I think she's a's hard to tell with the boy hair cut and the flowy orange pants.

"Yeah, yeah she's a diamond in the rough. Now let me have my contestant so I can fill her in," a man's voice says, coming in the door behind me. I stifle a gasp of surprise.

"Harpon?" I ask, turning around. And indeed, it is him.

"Nice to see you're not dead," Harpon says. This doesn't exactly comfort me.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he drags me through hallway after hallway.

"Ok, here's the deal," Harpon says after looking around. What's he looking for, a camera or something?

"What is it?" I ask, confused.

"If you want both of you to get out of this crazy mess, I need you to follow what I say exactly. We don't have much time, I'm supposed to be telling you about your meeting," he says, quickly. This makes me more confused than ever.

"Harpon, what's going on?"

"You have got to play up the romance. The Capitol people...well, it's been a long time since a Hunger Games love affair. If you can at least pretend to fall in love with Eli...the people will fall in love with you both as a couple and they won't want to see you die. They'll make posters, they'll protest, they'll try and buy your way out of it. The point is, if the Capitol people want it, they can get it," Harpon says, barely taking a breath. I stare at him in pure shock. What he's proposing is crazy, even a fantasy. But I'm willing to try anything to get it to happen.

"Did you tell Eli this?" I ask. Before he can respond, a well dressed official looking man comes up to us.

"Aren't you supposed to have been in the meeting room five minutes ago?" he asks, staring at me.


"She's coming, I'll drop her off," Harpon says, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me down the hall.

"Ok, so who exactly did they send for me?" I question, but before I get a response he's dropped my wrist and walked away. So much for helping me out.

"Hello Miss Kwell, are you ready?" a woman with bright red skin and purple hair asks. When she smiles I notice her teeth seem to be individually tattooed with some kind of pattern on them. Gross.

"What exactly do I have to do?"

"Simple. Somone is in there waiting for you, and you have to talk to them. Also, you're on camera. And you have ten minutes. Any questions?" she says cheerfully.

"I guess not," I say to her. She smiles and motions for me to open a door.

"Oh by the way, don't try to escape. There are guards everywhere," Red lady says, her eyes turning from a playful blue to an angry black. I wonder how she does that?

"Ok," I say, unsure of how to respond.

"Well go on in, you're already late," she says, practically pushing me inside the room. When I look around, I notice that it's fitted with expensive furniture and a camera crew. And then I see the one person I have been dying to see since I left District Twelve...


But that's not even the most interesting surprise. Because seated next to her is an extremely well groomed version of Eli in a similiar outfit as me.

This is so totally not what I expected.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello Readers!
I just want to say, first of all, thank you so much for your support! Are you excited that I updated? I hope so :)
I plan on finishing this story, so keep posted!
And please message me if you have interesting comments/ideas/etc. I'd love to hear from you for that, or to just plain chat about the Hunger Games of course!
I just want to put forth a littler disclaimer here: I do not own the Hunger Games or any of the work of Suzanne Collins. I'm sure by know you've noticed some similiarities to the original, which I purposely planted in there to draw connections. Most of all, I hope you've been enjoying the journey as much as me! Love you all!