Status: Two Parts - Completed.

You Were The Last Good Thing About This Part Of Town

Part One

Ever heard of the band Fall Out Boy? Hmm, probably. They're really big.

I met them once. Actually, 3 times. The first time, when they were really small. Patrick wasn't there though. The second time, they just came out with their first album. It was a secret show. That's when I first met him. We talked for a while, but then I had to leave. The last time is now. Right now, I'm standing outside their bus, freezing my fucking ass off, trying to get a glimpse of the famous band.

I was with my best friend, Jason. He and I have been best friends since I first moved out to LA. He loved to think he was all scene. Short hair in the back, long bangs covering his face in the front. He wore skinny girl jeans and tight T-shirts - He was the typical emo/scene kid.

"My FUCKING GOD!" He screamed, making the kids who were around us give him stares. "I'm freezing my ass here!" He said in a lower voice, but still loud.

"Jason! Shut the fuck up!" I said in a low voice.

He was thoughtful for a moment. Well, that's a surprise. "I have a plan to get us to see them."

I groaned. His plans always involved me getting hurt or arrested. "Ok, Mr. Master Plan Jason, shall we look at the outcomes of your other plans?"

He rolled his eyes. "Brittany, just chill. This one is--"

"For sure? Fools proof?" I finished for him sarcastically.

"Just follow my lead." He said, walking up to the barricade. The security guard that was patrolling the bus instantly yelled at us to leave. "Yea yea..." Jason shrugged off. As soon as the guard looked away, Jason was on the ground and sliding under the barricade.

"Come on, hurry!" He hissed from the dark shadow of the bus.

It took me longer to get under. He got impatient. "Shut it Jace, you don't have fucking boobs!"

Once I was under the safe shadow of the bus, the guard came around again. We held still. We wouldn't have been seen, if I didn't have to sneeze. The bright beam of the flashlight flew to us, and we ran for it. We heard cheers from the crowd behind the barricade, yelling at us to go on. Out of nowhere another guard comes at us, getting a hold of my wrist. I'm jerked back, with both of my hands now held painfully behind my back.

"Nice going you fucktard! My dad said that this would be my last concert if I got arrested again! Thanks for ruining my life!" I whisper to him as the guards took us closer to the venue.

"It would've worked if you didn't sneeze!" He argued.

"Hey, wait!" A familiar voice called from behind us. I strained to turn around, but without much luck. I didn't really need to anyway, because I knew exactly who it was.

"Britt, its Pete Wentz" Jason whispered into my ear.

"We caught these kids trying to sneak in." The guard holding Jason said.

"Well let them go. They want to meet us bad enough to get arrested, they deserve to meet us." Pete sounded impressed. Jason was beaming.

"It was my idea." Jason smirked.

"Impressive..." He said, walking back towards the bus. The crowd behind the barricade was now screaming. "So, you both know who I am, now who are you two?" He asks conversationally.

"I'm Brittany and this is my friend Jason." I told him calmly, ignoring the screams.

"Hey Pete!" I see Joe and Patrick coming out of the bus towards us. Andy soon follows after. "Who are they?" He asks once close enough.

"They're Brittany and Jason. They almost got arrested for trying to see us." Pete says.

"So, you almost get arrested just to see us?" Andy said, laughing lightly.

"Britt here wanted to see you in all you're amazingness." Jason pitched.

"You jackass! I wasn't the one drooling over Pete here after the show!" I say, laughing and looking over at Pete.

Yea, Jason is bi. Not gay, bi.

He was grinning. "Damn Pat, you were right. I am wanted by girls and guys..." He pulled out his wallet and gave Patrick 10 bucks. Patrick laughed.

I finally looked at him, and he was looking at me. "You made a bet?" I ask him.

"Yea, I mean, he didn't believe me." Patrick smiled. I blushed, looking away.

"Have I ever met you before?" Andy asks, staring at me intently. "I don't know why, but you look so familiar."

"Yea, you have. I've met you twice." I say, blushing.

Patrick looked down, and I swear, I saw him blush. I think I'm missing some kind of inside joke.

Joe eyes Patrick, then smirks. "So you got a boyfriend Britt?" Patrick's head shot up and glared at Joe.

"Uh, actually no..." I laugh, becoming embarrassed.

"Oh, that's good..." Pete says. He must've caught on to what Joe was saying, whatever that was.

I looked down at my watch. "Oh shit! Jace, it's like almost 12:30, we have to be home by 1am. It was really nice talk to you guys, and meeting you."

We started to walk away, I was smiling like a fool. "You seem happy." Jason noticed.

"I just met Fall Out Boy, again. It was really cool." I laughed. Looking over at my best friend. "And excuse me for seeing you flirt with Mr. Wentz. You practically got a fucking boner!"

He was about to argue, when come one called my name from behind. I turn around to see Joe coming up to me. "Can I have your email?" He asks.

Oh. My. Gosh. "Uh.... why?" I ask. I mentally slapped my self. You don't fucking ask why Joe Trohman of Fall Out Boy fucking wants your email!

"Well, Patrick would want it. He would deny it now, but he likes you. He liked you the first time you guys met."

I blush and do a happy dance in my head. I grab my sharpie from my back pocket and grab Joe's arm. I scribble my email on it.

"We'll make him email you, don't worry." He winks and runs back to his friends.

"Wow." Jason says.

"Lets go." I drag him to his car and we drive home.

"Has he emailed you yet?" Jason asked for the 5 time in 10 minutes. It's been a week, and nothing.

"NO!" I yell, just then, we hear a ping. I look over and see that I have 1 new email from an unknown email.

"I'll be back." He winks and walks out.

I have no idea what to write you. My best friends have cornered me in a bunk with a laptop. I'm trapped. Jason probably never does this to you. Nothing so torturous.
But, I'm going to talk about something else so I don't sound like an idiot.
I'm sorry for not emailing you for a week. Not only does Pete hog the computer, but I also didn't know what to say. I guess I can start with the fact that I want to see you again. Maybe even make it more official - like a date? I don't know how to really ask for one, I'm pretty sure I just did.
So, we're going to be staying here for another week, as a sort of break (plus we're doing a secret show). I want to get to know you.

I must've been staring idly at my computer, because Jason was now reading over my shoulder. "Hmm, he asked you out on a date. Say yes!"

"Uh..." I say, becoming nervous. Patrick Stump just asked me on a date. "I don't know..."

"Do you want me to do it for you?!" He yells.

"no! You know what? I'm just not going to reply." I chicken out.

He glared at me.

You are so wrong. Jason is such an evil best friend, you have no idea. I'm currently locked in a closet. Who puts locks on a closet?! And on the outside! It's ridiculous. I think Jason put the locks in himself, because he knew he needed to trap me sometime. I mean it, pure evil.
Oh a brighter note, I'm happy you emailed me. To tell the complete truth, I actually wasn't going to reply. That lead to the closet. But, anyway, I didn't want to reply because I was chickening out. Don't get me wrong, I would love to go on a date with you. It's just... Patrick Stump of Fall out Boy, the lead singer of my favorite band, just asked me on a date. It's a tad overwhelming the first time.
So, just tell me when and where, and I'll be there.

I sent the email; my heart was fluttering. "JASON! YOU FUCKTARD LET ME OUT!" I yelled. the door opened and an innocent looking Jason smiled.

"So?" He asks.

"I have a date with Patrick Stump..." I say, unbelieving.
♠ ♠ ♠
Excuse the language. Also, the original version of this story has italics and font changes, but since i have no idea how to do it, you're getting the rough cut of it. My baddd.