Status: Two Parts - Completed.

You Were The Last Good Thing About This Part Of Town

Part Two

A closet? Wow, I mean, you're right. Who DOES put locks on a closet? I mean, what's the point of locking a closet from the outside? Jason really is... something.
Thats amazing. I want to do something really low key, but not dinner. How about you come to our secret show and then after we can do something. Anything.

I had the email memorized. I had known about the secret show for a while now, and Jason wanted to come. I think meeting Pete Wentz has gone to his head. He's talking non-stop about him. He's just like a fucking girl.

"Jason, if you say one more thing about Pete Wentz, I'm going to fucking lock you in your own closet." I threat.

"Fine, good lord." He huffed, pouting and looking out of the window.

"What do you think Patrick is going to do after the show?" I ask.

"He may take you to a dark dark dark dark dark alley and try to sex you. But, I don't see why he would use an alley, since you'll drop your pants for him any day." He smirked.

I almost crashed our car into a semi. "JASON! You mother fucker! I'm pretty sure you just called me a fucking whore!" I yell.

He laughed. "Yea, pretty much."


I didn't talk for the rest of the car ride. I refused to talk to that dick head.

We reached the venue, and I forgave the dick. He was my best friend. He walked arm in arm into the venue. We were early, just as Patrick asked. I smiled and blush when I saw him.

"Hi." He smiled, walking up to me.

"Hey..." I blush.

"Shit..." He says, shaking his head and looking down.


"I don't get nervous when I'm on stage, but I get nervous around you. That's not supposed to happen." Ok, I did see him blush this time! "And now I can't believe I just told you that."

I giggled. "No, it's fine. I'm glad you told me that. I mean, now I can tell you that I'm really excited to be with you, and you make me really nervous too."

"Great." He smiled. He glanced behind him, and looked back at me. "I better finish getting set up. I'll see you after the show though." He smiled, leaning over nervously to kiss my...


I blushed, none the less. After the quick kiss, he dashed away, back to his band.

"Amazing set guys!" I tell them when they got off stage. The teenie's and die-hards that attended were screaming their heads off.

"Come on, let's go." Patrick said, leading me from the crowd and towards the entrance.

We got into my car, and left. "We should get ice cream." He suggested.

"Sounds fun." We drove off to a small ice cream parlor. It was very low key indeed.

Well, except for that one fan girl there. She went crazy and asked where Pete was. It was depressing to watch, but at the same time hilarious.

We got ice cream and sat in a corner. We talked. And, I'll tell you, the boy knows how to keep a conversation going. We talked about our lives (mostly mine), our musical likes and dislikes, he got to know me, I learned new things about him, and our best friends.

"Damn, and I though Pete was bad." He laughed.

"Oh my gosh, you have no idea."

Many embarrassing stories later (most of them about me), we left the parlor. I drove Patrick back to where his bus was parked, and he kiss me on the cheek again. I smiled, and from the bus we saw Pete happy dancing. Apparently, he was watching.

"Let's give him a show." I whisper, then kissed him full on the lips. He followed my lead, and we heard a light thud. I turned to see Jason rubbing his forehead, and Pete laughing. I giggle.

"See you later." He smiled as he left me.

Jason came out, as if he didn't see anything. We got into the car, and the torture began.

Now, that was about a month ago. The rest of that week, we spent together. Oh, how happy I had been. Then, he left. We emailed back and forth, for about 2 weeks. I would love to tell you that he didn't stop, but, eventually he did. The emails became less frequent, and then, they just stopped altogether. How depressing, right? Yea, it is.

He's supposed to be going home back in Chicago soon. I have no idea when.

There was a banging at my door. "Coming!" I yell.

Instead, the door burst opens, and there is a Patrick Stump coming towards me. He grabs my face and presses his lips to mine. We stood, kissing, for what seems like forever. Then, I get an idea. I pull back and lead him towards my bedroom. He gets the idea. I push him onto my bed and continue kissing him. His hand reaches for my belt and--

I wake up.
♠ ♠ ♠
The ending is evil. I'm sorry.

Excuse the language. Also, the original version of this story has italics and font changes, but since i have no idea how to do it, you're getting the rough cut of it. My baddd.