Status: Hiatus, for a while.

Shining Through the Shadow of a Star

Mary's POV

I groaned; whoever told the stupid doctors that it is okay to tie me up with all these wires like this should not be kept alive. Who gave them the right to hook a million machines and tubes to my body, anyways? This is insane! Do you know how hard it is to walk around with that annoying vitamins and blood bag hooked to my wrist or even that heart machine stuck to my chest? I hate hospitals! What is there to do here, anyways? And these walls need some serious work on then; so dull and sickly white and… Uh! Alright, hitting that wall was a very, very bad idea. I am so not staying here. I'm okay, aren’t I? So, why didn’t they release me yet? Come on, a cast and a few bruises will not be the end of me; they are no new things. All I have to do is to get dressed, unplug the bunch of wires and leave. And that’s what I'm going to do.

I got up, trailing the blood bag along the way, and went to the couch that was put in the corner. Luckily for me, the wires were long enough so I could walk around the room. I picked up the bag of utilities that the guys left for me. They were all sitting outside my room, thinking that I'm fast asleep and that they shouldn't stay in the room with me in case it bothered me.

"What are you doing?" I heard coming from the door the minute I slid my right arm in the tank top that was brought for me along the other clothing items. "The doctors said that you shouldn’t be moving a lot." I turned around to see Zacky. It was the first time he had said anything more than two words to me after the accident. I stood there just looking at him; I was not going to let him win his way this time. "Mary, did you not hear me?" I said nothing.

He came and wrapped his arms lightly around my frail shoulders, careful not to cause any more damage than it was already done. I felt him lower the tank top so that I was completely wearing it now. "If you wanted to get dressed you could've called me, sweetie. Don't tire yourself like this." He said softly, brushing the edges of my narrow waist.

"Zack- Oh I didn’t know, sorry." Matt went to leave and close the door behind him but I stopped him by saying his name. "I'm sorry to interrupt you guys." He said awkwardly.

"It's okay, mate. What did you want?" Zacky asked him, not frustrated at all.

I freed myself from his grip that was not so light now. Like I was his possession or something and the guy that had entered wasn’t his long time best friend.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm sending Johnny to get us some stuff. I assumed you might need something, like a pack of cigarettes or something." Wait a minute; Zacky doesn't smoke. I repeat it: he does not smoke.

I heard Zacky punch the wall right behind my head. Oh my, if the walls in this room could move or even talk, we wouldn’t be left at peace. "Why would you think that I would need cigarettes, Matt?" He asked his band mate calmly, as if telling him that he had messed up and that he should get out this instance before the whistle in Zacky's head blows off.

"Uh…" Matt cleared his throat nervously. You know, it's not really a case of him being scared of Zacky or anything because his muscles were way bigger and he could easily take him down. He just didn’t like causing problems, especially if it was his best friend dealing with a rocky relationship.

Matt was like a big brother to me; always there for me and protecting me. He was the one I would run to when I was having trouble with Zachary or when one of the guys was pissing me off. He was the one I'd run to when I have a nightmare with Jimmy in it, or how we found his lifeless body that cursed day. I never doubted that he could make my pain go away, that he could calm my raging breath and my uncontrollable sobs. He was never one to start a fight out of nothing, even though he could and he could easily win it too. I guess you could say that he had the outlook of a bad boy but he only uses it for good things such as defending a girlfriend or having a little fun with the guys who were almost as tough as he was. It's true that I'm dating Zacky, and I won't be giving him up that easily even after what I heard, but Matt was more like my protector than any of the guys.

Before I knew it, my eyes were slowly closing and my body felt numb again. I was slowly falling to the floor, hearing Zack's pleading me to answer him but the pounding in my head was louder. Before my whole body could touch the ground, I felt two arms wrap around me, steadying me on my feet. "Mary, try to open your eyes please." Matt's voice rang in my ears. I was slowly regaining my composure again.

I felt myself being held above the ground, most likely by Matt, and being put on the bed where I finally was able to open my eyes.

I heard a sigh coming from one of the guys then Zacky's voice saying "This has to stop already. There must be a solution."

Without a warning, Johnny came barging into the room. "What has taken you so long Shadows?" He called out to Matt, using his stage name. "Oh Mary, you're awake." He exclaimed.

"She awoke in the morning, Dr. Obvious." Zacky answered him.

"Shut up. She knows what I mean." He replied with a pout. He was the type of guy that didn’t act their age, well not at the times that he didn’t need to. You'd expect of him to go sit in a corner after one of the guys shoots him a remark about something.

"Come on, you guys. Let's leave. You remember what the doctors said before about making noise around her." Matt ushered the two guys who were arguing to the direction of the door. I personally find the doctor's orders to be useless; it's not like I was broken.

"Alright, baby whenever you need anything, I'm right next to your room. Don't make any sudden moves." And with that they closed the door behind them.

Great, what can I do now?
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter was supposed to be about Kevin and Lauren again but then Claire and I noticed that the story is turning into a story about them so I thought I'd move the chapter in Lauren's POV up. It'll be the next one, don't worry.

Predictions? possibly about the 'rocky relationship'...