Status: Hiatus, for a while.

Shining Through the Shadow of a Star

Matt's POV

We had been sitting here ever since we decided it was better if we leave Mary on her own a bit, and by we I mean Zacky and I.

Brian had long gone to his girlfriend's, Michelle, house; it was enough for him to know that Mary had woken up for the coma to stop worrying. He wasn’t even here when she was told to rest, or when she woke up again and as Zacky rephrased it 'tried to get dressed'. I knew this wasn’t just it; she was cleverer than to do this. Although, she did have her weird little quirks… like how when we were sending Johnny to get some stuff and when he returned she had asked us if he brought her lime green skinny jeans with him or not. When we had told her that he didn’t, she immediately asked to send him back to not only bring it but also bring her a can of Redbull. But he definitely won't. He still went though…

Which is the reason why it's just me and Zacky this fine afternoon in this lovely waiting room.

"I'm going to check on her." I told him, my voice sounding raspy and worn out from not using it much. It's like back then when we had started the band and I had to do the screaming parts. Well, I still do.

"Yeah, tell her I love her." He replied, not taking his eyes of the magazine that was in his hands.

"What have you been reading all that time in that stupid teenage magazine?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe one day they would have something featured about us or someone we know…"

I gave him a look of disbelief but he didn’t see that, not that it affects me in any way. I went in the room to see her sleeping peacefully, which is not her at all if you get my drift. But she looked so serene and beautiful… not that she doesn’t usually look beautiful, but, I just had the urge to get closer to her, to hold her and… No, never mind me.

"You know, they say that it's rude to stare, Mattie." Not so serene after all, yeah?

"And since when does it matter?" I smirked, though I don't know why I'm doing this; she is taken. She is taken meaning she belongs to someone else. She belongs to someone else, this someone being one of my band mates and my best friend since high school who should always come first. Bros over Hoes, right? But didn’t I just say that sayings and quotes don’t really matter? Oh God, why am I thinking that way?

"Yoo-hoo, Mattie," She said, waving her hand in front of my face. "You zoned out."

"Uh, yeah, what did you say?" I felt so stupid and dumb to make her repeat it.

"I asked if you could hand me a glass of water, please. And that book over there, maybe?"

I went to get the stuff for her of course. "So, couldn’t sleep longer huh?"

"You know me." Was she having another nightmare? No, she's too happy for it to be. Maybe it is just one of her insomnia cases or so.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call a nurse or a doctor to come check you?"

"Matt, I'm fine." She sighed. "You know I hate being treated like a helpless person who can't take care of themselves. I can."

"Yes, I know you do but I was thinking about how that disorder is affecting you. Forget it." I picked up the book. "What is that you're reading? 'Kiss Me, Kill Me' Roxann Daniels. Any good?"

"Read the back." She poked her tongue out.

I scanned it with my eyes. Something along the lines of a girl fighting with her fiancé and leaving him, he later finds out that she had an accident and he starts reminiscing on their memories together. Coincidence? I just wish if Zacky was more worthy of her; I mean she's an amazing girl with so many potentials.

"Weird huh? Except that Zacky and I aren’t engaged." She chuckled.

"Yeah," I tried to laugh to but it came out as a dry breath. "Who told you about this book? It seems fun to read." I said, trying to change the subject just so I don’t 'accidently' tell her that Zacky isn’t exactly reminiscing on their past together or anything. He's just happy that she's okay and that she will end up forgiving him soon. She had a big heart.

"Oh, a good friend of mine wrote this. We had a few classes together in Junior High. Yeah, she's a good writer."

"Alright, I'll leave you to it then." I said whilst handing the book to her and taking the cup of water, that I had given her before, from her hands.

As I got out, I saw Zacky starting to get up. "Oh good, you came. I was waiting for you to come out so I could tell you that I'm in a big need of caffeine so I'm going to check the cafeteria downstairs to see if they have anything cool."

"Sure," I nodded at him.

A few minutes later, he came back with two cups in his hands. "Thought you would want one two. These days have been tough." He handed me the cup in his left hand.

"Thanks." I said while taking it from him.

Time has passed on us waiting, or maybe it was the fact that I wasn’t enjoying my time at all. Suddenly that beeping sound you hear when someone's heart stops beating came blaring in my ears and I looked at Zacky to see that he was looking back at me with the same look that I had on my face: please don't let it be what I think it is.

"Quick, call a nurse or someone." He told me and headed to her room door. But before I had the chance to leave my seat, three nurses appeared and went directly in the direction of her room.

"Sir, please step out of the way. You cannot go in there." One of them told Zacky whilst pushing him out of the two other nurses way.

They went inside and immediately came out again. "Sir, I'm afraid to say that Ms. Roberts isn't in the room." The one that had talked to him before informed him.

"What do you mean she's not in there!?" He yelled at her.

"Sir, she just isn't in her bed or in the bathroom. The wires have been removed which caused the heart machine to start the alarm and all her belongings are gone. Therefore, she's gone."

At the same moment, Claire, Lauren, Jordan and some other people I recognized three of them as the Jonas Brothers came from around the corner.

"What did I hear you just say? You mean that one of my best friends is out there roaming the streets on her own when she's definitely not in a state that allows her to? What kind of hospitals is that to let her sneak out like this!?" Claire was in hysterics by now.

"Don't worry, Claire. We will go look for her." The eldest came and picked her up in his arms. Damn, I should start learning their names if they're going to be here for a long time.

Lauren and Jordan were also crying and soon every Jonas had his arms around one of the girls, but instead of the eldest holding Claire he was now holding Lauren. Ah, young love… I missed how that felt.

Everyone was too busy crying or consoling someone so I decided I'd actually go look for her instead of doing nothing.
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Comments? I'd love you for that :D

And yes, Claire you were right about the whole Mary/Matt thing. :)