Tainted innocence

Shayla has been a servant to the were-wolf prince's of Arch since she was a baby. At ten she was chosen to be the personal servant to the youngest prince. Their relationship is something she never could understand, but she never broke the rules not wanting to over-step her place in the relationship. After being protected for so many years Shayla knows nothing of sex,rape, and things such as that. So, when she sees her charge, Prince Hunter, rape a girl she runs away.

She manages to live on her own and now and then with some nomads until she is eighteen. For one year she manages to stay low and not get caught by the people after her. You would think after a year they would give up the search, but no. and after a day at the market Shayla finds herself back where she began. In Luna palace. Of course no she is not only a personal servant to Prince Hunt, but the double for his dead fiance. Meaning she has to marry him and be queen. This isn't the top thing on her list of things to do, if you know what she means.

Please read: I'm starting this off when she is six-teen in chapter 2 she will be seventeen and once we get to chapter to chapter three we are present time and she is eighteen.
  1. chapter 1
  2. chapter two
    this is the last flash back chapter. the next one will be in the here and now.
  3. chapter 3
    I lime this chapter. It has action!
  4. Chapter 4
    New character! Yah!
  5. chapter 5
  6. Second time
  7. run, run, as fast as you
  8. Ugh
  9. Thomas
  10. Kiss
  11. Queen
  12. Rewrite