Tainted innocence

chapter 5

I sit there next to Sasha with his head in my lap as I waited for disaster to strike. Sasha whimpers nervously and I pet his head softly. He looked up at my worried eyes and gave me a soft lick. I gave a smile smile, but I know it doesn't reach my eyes and i probably am not helping Sasha settle down,but you know I'm scared too.

"Oh, Sash I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have made us go to the market it was too dangerous when we are so close to a guard station. I put you in so much danger and I managed to get us locked up in this place. I'm so sorry Sasha, you have done nothing but be with me, love me, and protected me and here I am putting your life on the line. Please forgive me." i said starting to sob in Sasha's head. My big bead wolf starts to lick me more attentively trying to wash away my tears. It is not going to work this time though, I'm am completely out of my mind.

I feel firm hands on my shoulders, I look up to see Kay giving me a sympathetic smile. "I bet none of this would have ever happened if i never came to you after that time you would never be in this mess.' she said tears rolling off her cheeks as well. "Your only fault is turning me in and letting them treat me like this." I told her looking at Sasha's head as I spoke. "I know, i know, but really this is for the best. You can get used to the palace all over again and fall back in love with Hunter." Kay said hopefully, but her hope is wasted on me. "I high doubt it." I say right before there is a knock on the door.

"Come in." Kay yelled at the door. Two guards stood at the door holding a black cloak. Great, we get to play dress up! "If you and your pet will accompany us to the great hall." the guards said in unison. Kind of creepy. Sasha and i stood up slowly watching the guards wearily.

The guards tied the black cloak onto me and started to drag me away. we walked down the stairs to the grand hall. My childhood comes flooding back to me. running around with Hunter, learning to sew, and learning games played by the maids. however all of thoughts things are just stupid dull memories.

One of the guards shove my head down and I know that I should just keep it down. I could hear the oohs and awws of people receiving their Christmas-eve presents. Oh, lookie I'm a present! I walk into the grand hall ad all the noise stops.

"Little brother, for a year now we have searched for a solution for your depression. We have found one with is my Christmas-eve gift to you, dear brother." Eric said proudly, I could hear him walking over to me. "Let him see your pretty face." Eric said standing next to me. I don't move or say anything. "I said show him!" he said and I still stood still and said nothing. "I said show him, didn't you hear?!" he said and pushed me forward. My body snapped up in order to regain balance. Once I looked up I saw the worst thing ever. at the head of the table sat Hunter his face contorted with shock. Well, this should be good.
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thank you to my cus! she really helped.