The Stars Shined Brighter That Night, I Knew You Were My Destiny


The rest of that afternoon I felt as if something was still missing, I already knew that when Frank left he took my heart with him. That gap was filled with the kindness of my few friends but now it seemed as if he had ripped my heart out with his bare hands again just like he did 5 years ago. I thought I had moved on but he just stood there blocking my way again, he made me want to kill him and kiss him at the same time, it was so confusing. When the clock finally reached 9:30 I figured I should start getting ready by now so i opened my wreck of a closet and pulled out some skinny ripped jeans, an Emily the strange t-shirt and a black hoodie with my purple converse. After I got dressed and had straightened my hair and applied eyeliner - i didn't want to look good for him, i just wanted to look presentable - i went into the living room where Ivy was waiting for me patiently, or so i thought.

“You took your sweet time, aaaaaw, trying to look good for Fwankie are we?” she asked in a baby voice, I just gave her unconvincing evils.

“Shut up.” I said but a small smirk did stretch across my lips.

“So … are we going or what?” she asked again

“Okay, keep your pants on lady! ... Alright, now we can go.” I said after i shoved $50 into my back pocket and headed for the door. We walked to the club since a) it was only 15 minutes away from our apartment and b) if we got totally smashed we didn't have to come back the next morning to get the car since we obviously couldn't drive back home while we were pissed. When we got there we were about to go in when Ivy searched through her pockets for something and then started cussing.

“What's wrong?” I asked

“I left my effin phone at home, didn't I? I’ll go back and get it, you stay here and get the party started though.” she said whilst walking off and laughing at herself.

I opened the door to the club and already the smell of booze and stale sweat invaded my nose but I just walked straight in and ordered a V&T to start off with. While I had nearly got half way through my drink I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see a familiar face but not Frank though, it was blatantly Gerard Arthur Way from Frank's band, i knew he didn't handle alcohol well and he obviously didn't realize who I was.

“Hey beautiful, wanna dance?” he asked smirking while just able to keep his balance.
I was about to say no but my lips decided to say “sure” and I was dragged to the dance floor by the drunken Way brother and was soon crippled by the crowd around me that were jumping up and down to the DJ's 'skillage' on the music mixing. Gerard started to dance quite close to me now, a little to close, but i didn't move away, i just got closer and danced. I was about to ask him if he knew who I was when his lips forcefully crashed onto mine but then it felt like he was putting all of his body weight on me and i realised he had passed out. I tried slapping him awake but then decided to drag him off the dance floor, i noticed Frank and another familiar looking guy sitting next to him, it must have been Gerard’s little brother Mikey, well mikes hadn't changed a bit, he still had his glasses and his blatantly straightened hair. Still dragging Gerard I walked towards their booth and threw Gerard in first before I sat down.

“Hey destiny, how've you been?” asked Mikey as he prodded his older brother with his index finger hesitantly.

“I’ve been alright, how's the music business been treating you guys.” I asked, trying to make simple conversation.

“Well, we've just finished making our 2nd record so, pretty good i think.” he said, still prodding poor, passed out gee.

“Anyway … I though I was here to talk about us?” I asked frank who had nearly zoned out.

“Oh erm, yeah, well first I just want to say that I’m really sorry for leaving like that, I honestly thought we'd only be gone a few months but the tour just kept going and when I did get a break from touring we were making records. So many times I wanted to call you but just didn't know what to say,” he said, now looking down at his shoes. “I thought you didn't love me anymore because you never called, and there was this girl Jamia who was there for me, and we kinda started going out and then she found this ring in my pocket so we got engaged ...” I cut him off mid sentence with anger.

“SO THAT'S THE ONLY REASON YOU CAME BACK, TO RUB IT IN MY FACE THAT YOU'VE MOVED ON AND I HAVEN'T?” I screamed but it was still slightly muffled by the over powering music “I’m outta here.” I said getting up out of the booth.

”Wait, destiny please!' I heard Frank shout after me but i just kept walking out of the club, when i reached the fresh air of the outside world i saw Ivy coming up the street. “Don't bother Ivy, I’m leaving that skumbag alone to live a happy life, without me” I said nearly in tears. Ivy tried to take me in her arms but I started to walk back home so she went back into the club, maybe I might make a few stops along the way.


I just watched her walk out of the club, but then I decided to chase after her but whilst getting up I knocked into a girl holding her drink and it spilled all over her, and her boyfriend didn't look too happy.

“What the hell do you think you're doing you jack ass?” he shouted.

“God, I am so sorry, I really am.” I said sheepishly, still trying to edge towards the door of the club.

“Oh, you'll be sorry.” he said picking me up by the collar of my shirt, unfortunately he had at least 4 inches on my height, and dragging me outside. I guess he had some of his mates with him because he pushed me against the alley wall and I received multiple kicks to the stomach which caused me double over and fall to the floor, I couldn't feel anything because the numbness of my heartache from destiny took care of that. I received a few more blows to my face which caused my lip to split and my nose to start bleeding as well. Suddenly it stopped, when I looked up I saw a much sober looking Gerard still running after 2 guys shouting the odds and shouting every cuss word he knew at them while Mikey had just finished kicking the shit out of one of them, I know, hard to believe that as skinny as Mikey is he can still kick major ass.

“Are you okay man?” Gerard asked helping me up.

“Yeah, I will be, I’ve got to find her gee.” I said running off to the place I knew she would go if she was upset.

“Good luck Frank!' I faintly heard Mikey shout after me, I think I needed all the luck I could get considering how stupid and careless I had been to destiny's fragile heart. I just hope I get there in time.
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2nd update, only one left! XD air hugs <3