Status: ^^Jimmy^^

Second Chance


The blinding white light seemed to never go away as I opened my eyes. I squinted and rubbed my eyes in order to clear my sight.

I was in this white place that was surprisingly comfortable. I didn't feel scared anymore which was weird because the last thing I remember was lying on my floor and I couldn't breathe which scared me to no end and now, I'm here in this white place.... and I'm bare chested and bare footed.

I hope I don't step in any dog shit.


"Leana??" I called out in response. I could have swore it sounded just like her. I wanted so badly to hold her and kiss her that it was almost unbearable.


I turned around again to see her dressed in a white gown with this glow about her. I ran to her but she held up a hand, making me stop.

"James. I am not who you think I am. I am a personification of what you're most comfortable with. I am one of the angels that helps guide new angels from their time of death to their new life in Heaven."

"Heaven? So I'm really dead?" My voice cracked as I fell to my knees in misery. I didn't want to leave Leana or any of the guys. I wasn't supposed to be here right now!

"James. Right now you're in Purgatory because you've done some sinful things in your past life but you can make up for it if you want to. There's someone down on Earth who could use your help right now." She put a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me, "You know, if you do make up for the things that you've done, all you have to do is wait until your loved ones make the passing. To everyone here, it'll be like mere hours to their years before you'll be reunited again. Do not worry."

I looked up at her with tears blurring my vision and she gave me a smile. Oh Leana, how I wish I could hold you again.

"So, if I make up for the things I've done, I can go to Heaven and then wait for Leana and the guys... that is if they make it?"

"James. Jimmy... I know that sounds harsh but that's the way things go around here." She kneeled down beside me and looked me in the eye, "Would it help if I told you that some of them are on the right track? And that if my personification is carrying something of yours at this very moment that would make you very proud?"

"Leana? She really is....?"

"Yes. A life for a life to keep the balance of everything. Now don't you think that's appropriate?" She got up and held out a hand for me to take. I took it and along with it my spirit lifted like it hasn't before.

Knowing that I'd left a little piece of me behind me with Leana, made me feel a whole lot better but I knew that it wouldn't make the longing any better so I thought that if I went along with this scheme, I might be able to re-join Leana and everyone.

How bad could it be?
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This is for you Jimmy. I know that you have your wings. Riann, I hope its ok if I use your name <3
