Status: ^^Jimmy^^

Second Chance

Behind The Crimson Door


"Son of a BITCH!" I screamed. I had just dropped one of my last pretty plates on the cold ass floor. I had made it in my ceramics class and thought it was so beautiful, even if everyone else didn't think so.

I sunk down on the floor, a mile long sigh escaping from my lips. I stared at the broken bits of silver plate for what seemed like eternity until my stereo suddenly blared, jolting me back into reality.

A reality where my last plate was now broken, where my apartment was irking me because it was kinda dirty and where I had my homework due for a class I could care less about in a major that I was good at because I could fill my emptiness with whatever character I wanted to but at the end of the day, I was still Riann Dawson. I'm not emo, or depressed or anything, its just the truth.

I wanna meet my maker in peace, I want to feel alive again
So put that smile back on my face and mix it strong my friend

I heard Avenged Sevenfold playing Brompton Cocktail rather loudly through my boom box. I chuckled at the thought of that song blaring where my preppy neighbors could hear it. They constantly complain about my music but I retort with their repetitive ass music plays where I can hear it at all hours of the damn night.

Now don't get me wrong, Lady Gaga and some oddities of their music I actually dig but seriously, if I hear "shake that ass" or something like that one more time, I'll show them how to really throw down in music tastes.

I finally got up to turn it down some before some of them come over to complain again. As I padded towards the stereo, I was just struck about how this song would fit the circumstance right now.

Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan died December 28 of 09 and now people all over the world are still mourning his death. He was one of THE greatest drummers that I knew of and each song that he participated in shouldn't be turned down.

I grabbed the knob on my boom box and blared it full blast. This was one of the few things in my life that made me feel like I had a purpose, like I actually wasn't hollow on the inside. So now, I'm going to honor him my blaring what he loved to do the best........while I clean.

I soon heard bangs on my walls and faint yelling as I danced around as I got my place clean for my friends to come over. Lavada and Nicole.

They were some of the few friends I did have here and I was grateful for that. Not many people would put up with my pessimism but they seemed to counteract that. Lavada, who seemed to radiate kindness and energy while Nicole gave off optimism and strength but Lavada was in the Theatre department with me while Nicole was in the English, writing her awesome stories.

I found myself standing still in the middle of the room, again. I shook off my pessimism and continued on with my cleaning duties with my music still blaring, not knowing that I had someone watching me right now.

"Are you fucking serious?! I have to babysit?" I whined as I stared into space, watching this girl mope and mop around her room. For some odd reason, I could see my "charge" like I was actually there.

"James Owen Sullivan. You will protect her and make sure her soul doesn't fall into emptiness. Its really a shame when a soul like that gets lost in the darkness." The angel chick scolded me. I sighed again as I watched her some more, "James, you know the rules and regulations with this contract. Be at peace and know that you are loved by the Father."

I grumbled again but then she suddenly hit me with the palm of her hand on my chest. I was pushed down by her surprising strength and before I knew it, I was falling... falling....

Son of a BITCH!
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I want to thank Nicole for commenting on this story! Hope its ok that I used you in this story!