Status: Active

You've Got the Love, I Need to See Me Through

He gave her a daisy, it stood out from the crowd

The sun was setting, leaving the floor a dim orange for us to play on, just like any other summers day. I sat by the tree and looked up, hoping I wasn’t disturpting any small animal, or ruining there habitat. Slowly, I picked the leaves off the daisy laying in my palm, as it had been for an hour. Normally, I’d be inside by now, getting ready for evening bath and then go to bed and watch a film or something, but not tonight. Tonight, I was waiting for Gabe to come home, he was late. Later then usual. I watched many people pass my front gate, a man with a dog, a woman with a baby and a small boy, pulling a batch of newspapers. I leaned back and looked up the tree again, sunlight glistening on my face as it liked.
“Steph monster” I heard Gabe laugh childishly from the gate. I shot my glance away from the tree and towards him, as he leaned on the gate with a boy stood next to him, playing with a lose screw on our gate. He looked up at me but his head went back down, tinting his cheeks a rose red.
“Stepho, meet Brendon” Gabe smiled, jumping over the gate and messing my hair up. Finally, Brendon looked up and smiled. He was not a lot taller then me, by a guess. He had black hair down to mouth, shaggily playing by the sides of his face.
“Hello” He whispered, smiling towards me.

That was how I met Brendon, that was the day he stayed on the garden with me and we talked for hours on end about nothing. That day always made me smile, thinking back at it. I sighed and flicked a piece of fluff off my knee as Gabe and I sat in the emergency room waiting room, awaiting Brendon. What had happened? Gabe broke Brendons nose, but to be fair. Brendon had it coming, making remarks about Gabe’s long dead mother. I glanced over to Gabe, his brown eyes staring at his shoes, his hands tapping small beats on his knees. I laid one of my shaky cold hands on his knee, hoping to give him some kind of loving comfort. His large hand cupped over mine, rubbing my knuckles with his fingertips. He slowly turned to look at me as Brendon walked out the doctors room. He looked down at me, a bandage over his nose, making him look like some kind of plastic surgery patient. I leapt up to hug him, but he pushed me away, placing one hand softly on my shoulder.

“I think it’s best you leave me alone” He breathed, before walking away, leaving me with one last hurt look. I stood still, my cold body froze to the spot. The hospital moved around me, the atmosphere a lot happier then I could ever be right now. How could he leave me like that? Gabe took my hand and we walked out of the hospital. Rain was leaving a wet layer on our bodies as we walked hand in hand, together. I looked down to our hands, noting the way his thumb was massaging my own and smiled. Smiled, just because I could. We stopped by a small, flower covered garden and Gabe leapt over and ripped a small Daisy out of the garden, handing it to me and smiling, over the old garden gate. I looked down at the Daisy, giving me a reason to smile yet again. And just like that, I did. I leaned my body forward, gathering air in my chest and Gabe cupped my face, pressing his soft lip’s against mine.
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I'm so sorry the update took forever!:(