Status: Completed! :D

Baby I'm Amazed by You

Back home and a midnight swim

Today was the day we were leaving beautiful, lovely Australia. This has been the best vacation ever with the most amazing people ever. I’m glad I got to spend it with the best people in the world, my best friends and boyfriend. Nick and I were sitting in mine and Bridget’s rooms, on one of the beds. Our bags were close by, we had to go meet everyone down in the lobby at about 10:30 when we had to check out and head back to the airport. It was about 9:45 now. We still had some time.

“Come here baby,” he says, opening his arms for me. I smiled and went right in to his arms, him tightening his arms around my waist, pulling me down next to him. He moved his arms to rest on my sides as he leaned in to kiss me. I smile and kiss him back. After pulling away, I smile at him as he pulls me closer; I tighten my arms around his torso and kiss his cheek and smile against the bare skin on his neck.

As soon as we pull away, I heard Katy Perry’s Firework start going off. Someone was calling me, I just didn’t know who. Nick and I both groaned, who was interrupting us? I roll off Nick and grab it off the table, looking at the screen. Bridget was calling. I groaned as I answered it. “Hello?” I say impatient in to the phone. “Hey…where are you guys? We all have to be checked out by 10:30, we’re all waiting down here in the lobby for you two.” She said. I sighed, knowing she was right.

“We’ll be down in a few minutes,” I said and ended the call. “Come on babe, let’s get going, they’re waiting for us and we have to be checked out by 10:30,” I said, grabbing his hand. I felt him run his fingers over mine as he stares over at me, smiling. “I love you,” I said, staring down at him, a warm smile on my face. “I love you too baby,” he smiled back and kissed me softly as he sat up and we both grabbed our bags.

We made it down to the lobby in less than five minutes. After turning in the keys, we met up with everyone. “Took you guys long enough,” Denise said, looking over at us. “Sorry, we got distracted…” Nick said for the both of us. I rolled my eyes and smiled. “Sure…” Bridget said, smiling over at me. We all headed outside with all of our bags to wait for cabs to take us to the airport since there was so many of us that we all couldn’t fit in one.

We made it to the airport about fifteen minutes later. After getting all of our bags out, we drug them behind us inside the airport. Once we checked in our bags, we went through the long hour-and-a-half security checkpoint and began the process of waiting for our flight home back to California. We waited about another hour or so before a lady came over the loudspeaker saying our plane was boarding for California in the U.S.

About fourteen-and-a-half hours later, we finally made it back home. We were all exhausted but glad we were back. I have to admit, it was one crazy vacation down there, as all Aussies put it down under. I laughed at the statement in my head. As soon as we got back to the Jonas household, we all crashed out, exhausted from the whole trip.

About an hour or so later, Nick and I both wake up. I slowly look around the room and noticed it was dark. I pulled out my phone and pressed the home button to view the time, squinting my eyes from the bright light. It was 11:30pm. We must have fallen asleep on the couch in the living room; I could hear loud snoring, Joe most likely. We all must have fallen asleep here in the living room, sprawled out everywhere except for Paul and Denise of course since they were older than us, just not as strong as they used to be in some ways.

“Babe, want to go for a midnight swim?” Nick asked, looking over at me. I couldn’t see his face, but I could see the outline of him, smiling as he looked at me. He looked cute yet mysterious in the dark, I liked it. I could tell he did too by how he pulled me closer to him. “Sure,” I said, smiling and shushed him so he wasn’t so loud and wouldn’t wake them up. He wouldn’t because they were all heavy sleepers and could sleep through pretty much anything and everything that was going on.

After we carefully made our way over to our suitcases to grab our suits, we went to change. I slowly made my way toward the back door of the boys’ house that led out to the pool. Once I quietly opened up the door, I stepped out into the semi-warm late evening. I took a small step on to the somewhat cool concrete. It felt good on my feet; this was going to be fun, going for a midnight swim in this really good-feeling weather with my boyfriend.

I felt Nick wrap his warm loving arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him as we slowly made our way toward the gate of the pool. He moved his arm to rest on the lower part on my back right above my butt, turning me to face him. I smiled as I looked up at him; he looked so good under the moonlight. “You are so beautiful baby, I can’t take my eyes off you,” he said, smiling down at me, showing his teeth. I grinned; he was so cute when he smiled with his teeth.

“Awe, you don’t look so bad yourself, handsome,” I smirked over in his direction. He smiled and pulled me closer before slowly leaning in toward my lips. I could feel his warm breath on my face. I moan softly at the touch as he kisses me, tightening his arms around my waist, pulling me tighter into his chest. I kiss him back, letting him explore my mouth. Pulling away slowly he smiles a cute grin and leans back in as he pushes me against the wall, running his hands up and down my back, sending chills up and down my spine. It felt good. I smiled and leaned in, closing the gap between us.

“Mm,” I groan as he kisses my lips once more before trailing kisses down my neck from my lips. I let my head fall back against the wall as I felt him lightly kiss my neck and bite playfully, leaving a hickey most likely that I could easily cover with makeup. “I love you,” I moaned as he forcefully pressed his lips on mine, begging for entrance again. We pull away a few minutes later. He grabbed my hand and led me toward the gate. After unlocking it, we slip through and quietly shut it before getting into the pool.

He pulled me over to a secluded part of the pool on the other side of the diving board. No one would see us here, at least I hoped no one would. I smiled and pecked his shoulder lightly as I felt him move his arms around my waist under the water and pull me tight against his bare chest. “I love you,” he said, staring down at me, his dark eyes glowing from the moon light shining down. “I love you too,” I said and slowly leaned in, kissing him, moving my arms around his neck as he swiftly picked me up in the water and wrapped my legs around his waist, forcefully kissing me back.

I groaned as he moved his arms up my back. He pushed my wet hair out of my face and kisses me lovingly. I put my hands through his wet curly locks as I kiss him again. We both pull away breathing hard. I looked over toward the gate of the pool. “What are you guys doing in the pool now? It’s late, are you insane?!” we both jerked our heads in the direction of the voice. It sounded like Bridget.

“We wanted to go for a midnight swim…” I said, looking from Nick back to her. I could see her wavy blond hair in the reflection of the water; Bridget standing near the gate of the pool. Nick and I pulled away and swam back over to the steps to get out of the water. “You guys are crazy, but I still love you even though you go into the pool super late when everyone’s supposed to be asleep,” she smiled at me. I smirked back. “it’s not like you haven’t done this too, I’ve seen you and Joe do this several times,” I smiled back at her as I felt Nick put his arms around my waist. I felt him place a soft kiss on my bare shoulder.

We followed her back inside after drying off. He shut the door softly behind us after we walked back inside. “Come on babe, let’s go up to my room,” he whispered in my ear. I smiled and nodded as he led me toward the stairs. Before we knew it, we finally made it to his room and shut the door once we walked in. We kept the light off, not really wanting to mess with it. He grabbed my hand and led me over to his bed. “I’m tired baby,” I yawn as I look up at him with my big blue eyes.

“Me too,” he said as he lay beside me, holding me tight and close in his arms after we both got under the covers. “Night baby,” he kissed the side of my neck. I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep. We were so tired, we didn’t even change out of our swimsuits.
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Here's the next chapter! (:
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