Status: Completed! :D

Baby I'm Amazed by You


A few weeks later;
I slowly open my eyes and get them adjusted to the bright sun light coming in to my bedroom from the window. I sighed and put a hand through my hair, fully sitting up. Ugh, great! Another boring day of school work… I really couldn’t wait til about 3 more weeks; school would be out the middle of the month. Our last day is May 26th. It was already the very beginning of May; only a few more weeks to go and then….it’s summer vacation and then here we come Australia!

I pushed my sheets off of my body and sat up, swinging my legs over the side of my bed. I stand up and make my way over to the dresser and pull out my bra and underwear before going over to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day.

I picked out a black pair of skinny jeans and a white v-neck shirt with a huge black scribbled peace sign on it. After putting on my outfit, I walk in to the bathroom so I could start doing my hair. After I finished getting ready for school, and put my last touch of makeup on, I put on my black boots and grabbed my school bag along with my cell phone before heading down the stairs.

I walked in to the kitchen to find my mom making breakfast.

“Morning mom,” I said, looking over at her as she turned toward me.

“Morning, hun,” she smiled.

“Want some breakfast before you leave?” I nodded and took a seat at one of the bar stools, after I went over and put a few pop tarts in the toaster. After my pop tarts were done, I went and grabbed them and placed them on to a plate I grabbed from the cabinet next to the sink.

After eating my breakfast, I grabbed my iPhone and checked the time; 7:10. Joe, Nick and Bridget would be here any minute to come pick me up for school. We always drive to school together. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang.

“Bye Mom, I’ll see you after school...” I said as I went over and opened the door to see Nicholas standing there.

I smiled and said, “Hey,” as I stepped outside and pulled my key ring out of my purse so I could shut the door and lock it. After I locked it, Nick and I headed over to Joe’s car which was parked in the drive way, next to my car. Instead of driving my car to school, I carpool with Joe, Bridget and Nick.

Nick walked over and opened the back door for me so I could get in. He got in after me and shut the door after he took a seat next to me. “Hey girl,” Bridget turned and smiled.

“Hey,” I smiled over at her. Joe started the car and pulled out of the drive way. Nick and I talked on the way to school, while Joe and Bridget talked quietly while Nick and I sat in the backseat. About five minutes later, Joe pulls in to the student parking lot and parks his car in an empty spot.

Nick got out and helped me out after he fully opened the door for me. “Thanks,” I smiled over at him. We all made our way toward the walkway so we could get inside the school.

“We’ll see you guys at lunch,” Nick said as we all went our separate ways. Nick and I walked to our first block class; English with Mrs. Sanders. She was really young-looking for her age; she was in her mid-20’s, about 25 or 26. Both Nick and I had all of our classes together except American History.

Nick and I both went and took our seats in the back of the room. A few minutes later, the bell rang signaling the beginning of class.

“Today we’re watching the rest of Romeo & Juliet, so please pay close attention. You will all be having a quiz over this tomorrow in the beginning of class, so pay attention,” she said, as she stood in the front of the room, her blond hair pulled up in to a ponytail, with her bangs hanging down over her eyes.

After she put the movie on, Nick passed me a note. I opened it up, and smiled as I read it; Hey(: I smiled once more before I started writing him back; Hi best friend!(: We continued to pass notes back and forth through the rest of the period until the bell rang.

Once the bell rang, all of the students, including Nick and I grabbed our bags before running off to our lockers to grab our books for our second period; chemistry. Both mine and Nick’s lockers are directly next to each other. It’s funny, because Joe and Bridget’s are right next to each other’s also.

After opening my locker, I grabbed my textbook for Chemistry and shoved my stuff for English in there before grabbing my notebook, pencil bag before shutting it. Nick and I headed down the crowded hall way and walked in to our chemistry class. We got in the door, right as the second bell rang. At least it wasn’t the final bell; I hated being counted tardy or absent for that matter.

After Nick and I both took our seats and the teacher took role, we started on this assignment in the book. Ugh! I hate doing bookwork!!!! We were doing the stuff having to do with the elements and all that other boring stuff like balancing chemical equations and everything.

This is one thing I absolutely hate about this class; I can’t stand math; I’m horrible at it. I hate it! I’m not good at it all. I am so lucky to have Nick help me with it. It’s one of his really strong subjects, unlike Joe. Joe’s best subject, besides girls has to be either history or English.

After Nick and I finished up our assignments in the book, we both pulled out our phones. In this class, the teacher; Coach Walker, yes, he’s a coach. He coaches varsity football. Basically, he lets us do whatever, we can listen to our iPods, use our phones, anything, well unfortunately until an administrator walks through the door.

Nick and I were texting each other since we were super bored. We were talking about how we couldn’t wait until we leave for Australia.


A few hours later, we were all at lunch sitting at our table in the very crowded cafeteria. This place was crazy and overly crowded. This past year, they had to split lunch up in to three parts, because there are just way too many students here at Mountain View High.

“Hey guys!” Nick’s friend Robbie said, taking a seat at our table, along with Caitlyn, his girlfriend. We were all really good friends. Robbie and I aren’t as close as I am with Nick, Kevin, Joe and Bridget. Bridget, Caitlyn and I were really close, we were all best friends. Every single one of us grew up together; we all went to school together from kindergarten up.

“Hey!” I said, looking up and over at him as I took a bite of my salad. We all talked as we continued to eat our food. I couldn’t help but smile over at Nick; he was staring over t me, with a big smile on his face. He was adorable; I loved how he looked over at me with those dark brown, gorgeous eyes. I just really wish he knew how I felt about him. I heard from both Joe and Bridget on how much Nick likes me. Well, for me, I’ve been in love with him ever since Nick and I were in 7th grade. I’ve heard that from Joe that Nick is in love with me too. I really hope we express our feeling soon, or I’m gonna go crazy. I need that boy by my side. I know he wants to be with me too, but I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

Nick’s POV
I smiled as I stared over at her; Rachel was beautiful, her long hair flowing down to the middle of her back with her bangs over her gorgeous blue eyes. As I looked over at her, I couldn’t help but think how much I liked her; I was in love with her. I have been ever since we were in 7th grade together. I am really hoping she feels the same way. Nick, just tell her; don’t be afraid of not telling her. If you tell her, there’s a chance she might want to be with you too. Just go for it!!! I thought as she looked over at me, smiling.

I smiled and looked over at her. Rachel and I started talking about some random things that happened to us a few years back, when we were in middle school. I couldn’t help but laugh as she brought up that one time when Joe tripped and ran into the wall since he wasn’t watching where he was going. Haha! God, that was hilarious! I was laughing my ass off the whole time; that was sooo funny!

“That was not that funny!!” Joe said, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to defend himself, keeping a straight face, trying not to smile or laugh. I knew he really wanted to laugh like so hard. He wouldn’t be like this for long; he’ll start laughing soon enough.

All of us busted out laughing; about a few short minutes later, he started laughing with us.

Back to Normal POV
After lunch, we all headed to our next block class. Nick and I had Algebra II; I was so glad I had him in that class or I’d be failing so badly! Besides our teacher, Mrs. Mitchell, Nick helps me with stuff in that class.

After both Nick and I finished our assignment for the day, Nick passed me a note saying hey. For the rest of the class, we talked and hung out; after all it was the last block of the day.

A few hours later after school was out, Joe and Nick dropped me off at my house before going to drop Bridget off at her house a few blocks away from ours. I hauled my bag behind me and dragged it inside and shut the front door, locking it behind me. I was so exhausted from a long day at school. That night, I fell asleep, dreaming of Nick and how the trip to Australia will play out.
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here's the second chapter; hope you liked it!!!!
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