Status: Completed! :D

Baby I'm Amazed by You

Graduation & Packing

Joe’s POV
I couldn’t believe it; Bridget and I were finally graduating from high school in a few short hours. Just a few days ago, Nicholas and Rachel finished up with school. I just pulled my graduation gown and cap on before we all made our way outside to take our seats outside by the stage.

My whole family; Mom, Dad, Kevin, Nick and Frankie will be here along with Rachel, her family and Bridget’s whole family. After the whole senior class took our seats in the first two rows of tables, our principal made her way to the stage to start her speech. I’ve always hated how we had to be in alphabetical order. It bugged the hell out of me, but other than that, I was so glad to be graduating along with Bridget!

I really wanted to get this whole ceremony over with because we all were going on a vacation all the way to Australia. All of us; Nick, Rachel, Kevin, Jessica, me and Bridget have always wanted to go to Australia since we first heard of the amazing place.

Well, back to reality, for now. I smiled as Bridget, my beautiful girlfriend made her way to the stage to get her diploma. Later in the ceremony, she would be doing her valedictorian speech since she was our 2009-2010 valedictorian here at Mountain View High.

After our principal came up to the stage and did her final speech saying goodbye to all of the seniors, Bridget came up and started doing her Valedictorian speech.

About an hour and a half later, after the rest of us made our way up to the stage to get our diplomas, the ceremony was over. I smiled and stood up as Bridget made her way over to me. I pulled her closer and kissed her lips softly.

“Baby, your speech was amazing!” I smiled at her.

“Thank you Joey! I can’t believe we finally graduated!” she said, hugging me tighter.

“I know, babe. Me either! It’s so hard to believe! Yes; the trip is sooo much closer now since we’re finally done with school! I can’t wait!” I exclaimed.

As we pulled away, Bridget and I both looked over to see everyone coming our way.

“Joseph, I want a few pictures of you and Bridget,” my mom smiled over at us.

“Okay mom.” I said as she pulled out the camera and started taking some pictures; about 5 or 6.

“After you guys change, meet us over at PF Chang’s, because we all thought you guys would want to go celebrate your guys’ graduation night by going out with everyone…” My mom said before they all left and went over to the restaurant.

After taking a ton more pictures, Bridget and I both went and changed out of our cap and gown. I put on a dark pair of jeans and a grey v-neck along with my grey slip on Vans sneakers. I smiled as Bridget walked back out in a cute strapless knee-length dress; it was light purple with rhinestones and heels. She looked beautiful.

“Baby, you look gorgeous!!” I grinned, pulling her closer in my arms.

“Thank you love,” she smiled, kissing my cheek.

“So, you ready to go meet everyone at the restaurant?” I said, looking down at her.

“Yeah,” she smiled.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer as we made our way over to my car in the student parking lot; it was a light blue 1978 Mustang.

She got in the passenger seat while I got in the driver’s seat. Once I started up the car, I drove over to the restaurant where we were all going to eat.

After we all talked, laughed and hung out for a few more hours, we all left and headed back home.

“Boys, since we’re all leaving for the trip in a few days, you guys should go start packing now..” our Mom suggested as we walked inside to the laundry room from the garage after shutting the garage door and light off.

“Okay,” Nick, Kevin and I chorused as we all headed up to our rooms so we could start packing for the trip. After I went and grabbed my suitcase, which was in Nick’s closet for some odd reason, I dragged it in to my room and set it on top my bed.

After unzipping my suitcase, I started putting clothes in there along with my phone charger and flat iron for my hair and toothbrush and everything. Before I knew it, about an hour later, I was done! I never knew I could get all of my stuff in my suitcase ready in an hour at least; it was amazing.

I grabbed my bag and set it down on the floor before pulling out my phone. After dialing Bridget’s number, I put my iPhone up to my ear once I heard a ringtone. A few minutes later, she answered.

“Hello?” I smiled.

“Why, hello beautiful. How are you, love?” I asked; I could tell she was smiling on the other end because I could hear it in her voice.

“I am great, babe. Just so glad to be out of school all ready and want to go on this trip!” I grinned; I knew her so well.

“I know you so well, same here!” I said, laughing softly.

“Have you started packing yet?” I asked smiling, as I stared over at a picture of me and Bridget from last summer when we were down at the beach.

“No, well, yeah I have, you interrupted me, in the middle of my packing!” she exclaims; I smiled.

“Well, if you want me to, I can come help you with that since I finished mine!” I smiled.

“Haha, okay babe. You know how bad that sounds? Haha… you finished already? Wow!” she said, laughing. I smiled; she was right.

“Yeah, so…? That’s not nice…” I slightly frowned, pretending to be upset at her remark of me finishing packing early. I smiled, she was amazing; I loved teasing her.

“So, are you coming?” she asked.

“On my way, love,” I said, smiling.

“Love you,” she said on the other line.

After telling her I love her too, I ended the call and stuffed my phone in the front pocket of my jeans before heading down the stairs and out the front door.

I started walking over to Bridget’s house that was about a block away from ours. About 5 minutes later, I got there and walked up to the front door, knocking. A few minutes later, the door opens. Kayla, Bridget’s older sister stood there.

“Hey, Joe. How are you? Congrats!” she smiled, pulling me in to a hug.

“Haha, hey Kayla! Thanks.” I said as I walked inside.

“Looking for Bridget? She’s up in her room packing…” she said, smiling.

“Thanks! It’s nice to see you,” I said, smiling over at her.

“You too!” she said, waving as I made my way toward the stairs.

After I got up the stairs, I made my way over to Bridget’s door and knocked. The door opens a few short minutes later.

“Hey babe,” she kisses me softly.

I smile and pull her closer. After pulling away from that last loving kiss, I went and finished helping her pack all the rest of the stuff that she’s taking along with her on the trip to Australia.

I kissed her softly and pulled her closer, smiling as I looked down at her.

A few hours later, we were sitting on the couch over at my house in the living room, watching a movie.
♠ ♠ ♠
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