Status: Completed! :D

Baby I'm Amazed by You

Your Beautiful.

I smiled as I felt Nick softly trailing kisses all over my neck. As he continued to do that, I felt him pull me closer.

“Nick, p-please stop, I’m trying to sleep, can’t you do this later?” I asked, groaning softly as I slowly opened my eyes and stared over at him.

“Hmph, fine,” Nick pouted, crossing his arms over his chest and stared over at me. He shifted a bit and pulled me closer in to his bare chest after he laid flat on his back.

I smiled and shut my eyes as I laid my head on his chest while he held me close. I felt him kiss my temple before I drifted off to sleep again in his arms as he held me close. About a half-hour later, I wake up to hear my phone going off. I groan softly before I reached over and grabbed my iPhone off the bedside table. After rolling on to my side so I could grab my phone, I felt Nick tighten his arms around my waist and pull me back in to his chest.

“Nick, can I please get my phone?” I asked, laughing slightly over at him.

“Nope! I won’t let you,” he smiled, pulling me closer toward him. I smiled a bit as he kissed my neck softly. I groaned softly before reaching over and grabbing it. After unlocking it and typing my pass code in, I saw that Bridget was trying to call.

“Who was it calling?” Nick asked as I turned toward him.

“Bridget,” I said.

“What did she want?” he asked, staring over at me.

“I don’t know, I’m going to call her and find out,” I said as Nick reached up and moved a few pieces of hair behind my ear that fell down over my eyes. I smiled and pecked his cheek before sitting up. After dialing her number, I held the phone up to my ear, while I continued to wait for her to answer.

She answered after the second ring, she always does that.

“Hello?” I heard her on the other line.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked as I stared over at Nick.

“Not much, down at the beach with Joe. Where are you and Nick? You guys should come meet us down here...” she said. “Oh, cool. We’re just hanging out at the hotel. We might head down there in a bit, I’ll call you when we get there,” I said before hanging up the phone. I set my phone down on the bedside table before laying back down next to Nick who pulled me closer in his arms.

“What did she say?” he asked, looking up at me, smiling slightly as he rested his chin on my shoulder. “She said that she was down at the beach with Joe. She wants us to meet them down there later. You wanna go in a little bit?” I questioned, moving a bit so I was staring up at Nick. “Sure, but after I get to spend some time with you first,” he smiled down at me.

“Fine with me,” I smiled. He reached over and laced his fingers with mine, pulling me toward him in the process. I just smiled as he pulled me closer and tightened his arms around my waist. I moaned softly as he placed his lips directly on my sweet spot, which was right below my ear. That’s what always does it for me, Nick knows me pretty well, I mean, we’ve known each other forever and tell each other everything. Now for Nick, his is anywhere on his neck.

I moaned softly in to his ear as he kissed me right below my ear. It felt so good; I wrapped my arms tighter around him before pulling him closer. He pulled away slightly and stared down at me, smiling.

“What?” I questioned, smiling up at him.

You’re beautiful,” he said before he leaned down and started trailing kisses down my bare arm. I groaned as he moved his arms up my shirt, resting them on my sides, rubbing them lightly. “Nick, I-I think I’m gonna go hop in the shower,” I said as he started kissing all over my neck. I pulled away slowly, him groaning slightly as he looked up at me.

“Why’d you pull away?” he asked, frowning slightly while giving me those puppy dog eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest as he laid down on the bed. I just smiled lightly and laughed.

“I’m gonna go take a quick shower, I’ll be right back,” I said.

He sighed and replied a soft “okay,” before I got up and headed toward the bathroom, softly closing the door behind me.

Meanwhile; Nick’s POV
I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I thought of Rachel. She was the most beautiful girl in the world and I never want to lose her, I would be nothing without her. About 20 long minutes later, I finally heard the water shut off. A few minutes later, I look up to see Rachel walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around her body. As she went over to her suitcase and pulled out her outfit for the day, I quietly got up and snuck up behind her. I felt her jump slightly.

“Mmh, H-hi, beautiful,” I said softly in to her ear as I moved some of her hair to the side as I rested my chin on her shoulder.

“Hi Nicholas. Can I finish getting ready now?” she smiled, laughing lightly.

“Sure,” I smiled before kissing her lightly on the cheek and whispering a soft “I love you,” in to her ear before pulling away.

“I love you too, babe,” she said and started putting on her green striped bikini before dropping the towel to the floor. I smiled before I made my way over toward her again and pulled her tight and close against my chest. She looked so good; her long hair perfectly falling down her back and shoulders, and how amazing she looked in her swim suit.

I kiss her neck lightly. She moved her face toward mine and kissed my cheek, smiling up at me.

“I love you,” she says looking up at me.

“I love you too,” I said, pecking her lips softly before pulling away and going over to my suitcase. After checking my sugar levels, I changed into a pair of board shorts and pulled out a white v-neck.

I smiled as Rachel walked toward me and put her arms around my torso, pulling me closer to her.

“Nicky, you don’t need the look way better without it,” she smiled over at me tossing the white shirt out of my hand and off to the side as she ran her hands up my sides and leaned up toward my lips, kissing me softly. I groaned quietly before opening my mouth and letting her in to explore my mouth.

I moved my arms around her waist and pulled her closer against me as I start to kiss her back.

Pulling away slightly, I smile and whisper a soft “I love you,” in her ear before I start to trail kisses from the spot below her ear and down her neck back up to her lips. She started moaning softly as I trailed kisses back up to her lips. I smiled lightly before kissing her lips again.

We pull away a few minutes later. Rachel goes over and slips on a denim mini skirt along with a white tank top before sliding her feet in to a matching pair of flip flops.

“So, you ready to go??” I smiled down at her. “Yeah,” she smiled back. She went over and put some towels and sunscreen in to a bag before going over to grab her phone and sunglasses. I smiled to myself as I looked over at her and grabbed my shirt before putting it on. As we were walking out of the hotel room, I grabbed Rachel’s hand. Once we walked in to a vacant elevator, I pulled her close in my arms after pressing the button to take us down to the lobby.

She smiled as I tightened my grip around her waist and kissed her softly. She moved her arms around my neck as she slowly started to kiss me back. A few minutes later, we pulled away because we heard the ding go off, signaling we were down at the lobby. I put my arm around her waist as we walked out and headed outside.

About twenty minutes later, we were finally down at the beach. I took her hand in mine as we walked on to the sand as Rachel held her flip flops in her other hand once she slid them off. We spotted Joe and Bridget right away, making out as usual. Couldn’t they get a room? Ha, I mean, Rachel and I aren’t that bad when we were together, alone, well, just a bit. It’s not our fault; we’re crazy about each other. She smirked over at me before she turned and continued to stare over at them. I couldn’t help but wonder what she was going to do or say to Joe and Bridget. This was going to be great!
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Sorry I haven't updated this in forever! I've been super busy with school and working on my other stories!!
There will be a lot more updates if i get some more comments!!(:
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