Status: Completed! :D

Baby I'm Amazed by You

Beach party

The next morning, I woke up to Nick’s cell phone ringing. He groaned softly before rolling over and moving his arms from around my slender waist before grabbing his phone. “Hello?” he said, groggily in to the phone. “Yeah, s-sure, that sounds cool. We’ll see you then…okay, bye!” He said before ending the call and setting his phone down on the table on his side. “Who was that, babe?” I asked, turning so I was facing him. He moved his arms back around my waist before he began to speak. “That was Joe; he said that there’s going to be this huge party down at the beach tonight. Wanna go?” he asked, staring in to my eyes. I could feel him rubbing my sides under the tank top I wore.

“Sure,” I replied softly and nodded. “I’m gonna go get ready,” I said and started to get up from the bed when I was pulled back down. “No you’re not,” Nick sand and pulled me down on top of him, tightening his arms around my waist as he pulled me even closer. With that, he pressed his lips against mine, I moaned softly against his lips at the touch.

Pulling away from his lips, I smile as I look down at him. “N-Nicky, please…can I go get in to the shower?” I asked as he pecked my neck lightly. “No baby, I don’t want you to go,” he said, holding me close against his bare chest. “Please?” I asked against his neck and lightly kissed that spot. “I-I g-guess so,” he stuttered. I finally got out of his tight grip and slowly made my way over to the bathroom.

After walking in, I shut the door before going over to turn the water on. As I wait for the water to heat up, I undress before stepping in to the hot shower. The water felt so good on my skin, I just stood there for the next few minutes and let it soak in. Soon after, I started to wash my body. After I finished washing my body, I started to wash my hair. About ten minutes later, I finished up in the shower and rinsed my entire body off before getting out.

After grabbing a clean towel, I wrapped it around my body and started to dry myself off. Once I finished drying myself off, I tightened the towel around my body before opening the door. As I walk out, all of the steam from the bathroom escapes. I could feel Nick staring over at me as I got over to my suitcase to pick out my outfit for the day. Pulling out my bra and underwear, I set them up on the bed before quickly slipping them both on before letting the towel drop to the floor. I felt Nick wrap his arms tight around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder.

“Nick, what do you think I should wear for the party tonight?” I asked as I started to go through all the clothes I brought. “I don’t know, but you’ll look beautiful in anything you put on,” he said, and kissed my shoulder lightly. I found a cute tank top and a pretty short solid-white mini skirt. I smiled as Nick moved his arms down to my waist and turned me around so I was facing him. “You should wear that,” he smiled and winked at me. I smiled before slowly leaning up to his lips.

“I might,” I smiled before kissing him slowly. “You should,” he said after we pulled away from the kiss. “I will, Nicky. What should I put on until then?” I asked as I felt him pull me closer to him. “N-nothing, I like you like this!” he said and started kissing my neck. “Oh, really now?” I said quietly, trying to keep myself from moaning and pushed him down on to the bed and crawled on top of him. I could feel him move his arms to the back of my thighs.

“You look so beautiful,” he said and pulled me closer to him. “Thanks,” I smiled and moved my arms around his neck as I leaned in toward his lips again. For the next few hours, we laid around and spent some time together, not really going that far until we decided to get up and start getting ready for the party.

It was almost 6:30, the party started at 7:30, so we had about an hour to finish getting ready. I straightened out my hair along with my side bangs and put on my outfit, the mini skirt and tank top. As I stood there in the bathroom putting on my makeup, Nick stood nearby buttoning up his shirt. He walked over and lightly pecked my lips before sitting up on the counter to sit and watch me finish up my makeup.

About ten minutes later, I finally finished getting ready for the party down at the beach. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table where I had it charging and unlocked it. After typing my pass code in, I decided to text Bridget. I started to type right after it came up on the screen. Nick took a seat beside me and put his arms around me and held me close to him while I was texting. She replied back right away and said they were already there. I texted back and told her we were going to head down there and meet them in a few minutes. She said they would be waiting for us down at the beach.


Before we knew it, we were finally down at the beach where the party was supposed to be. It didn’t really look like there were too many people here; we didn’t see any signs or anything that was specifically talking about a party. “Okay, so, are we like, at the right place?” I asked, staring over at Nick. I was probably asking a pretty dumb question but I was curious. He shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know,” he said and pulled out his phone. “I’m gonna try and call Joe,” Nick said and started typing in something on his phone.

Holding it up to his ear, I felt him take my hand and pull me closer to him. I smiled and put my arm around his torso. “H-hey Joe, where are you guys?” he said in to the phone. He was silent for the next few minutes. “Oh-okay, see you there,” he said before ending the call and slipping his phone back in his pocket.

“Where are they at?” I asked, looking up at him as he moved his other arm around my waist. He smiled down at me before replying. “Shelly beach or something like that,” he said. “Oh, okay.” I said. With that, we hailed yet another cab and headed over to that beach.

When we arrived, the driver pulled off to the side and let us out. “Thanks so much,” Nick said and handed him a $5 tip. “My pleasure,” the guy said and smiled over at me. As we walked down on to the sand, we pushed our way through the crowd so we could find Joe and Bridget. Right away, we spotted them; they were standing there talking to some tall blond guy. I pulled out my phone and decided to text Bridget. Hey girl, we just got here!=)

She immediately replies back. Awesome, where are you guys? With that, Nick and I pushed through more people to try and get over to my best friend. “Bridget!” I yelled over the loud music, she looked over at me and smiled real big. “Hey girl!!” she said and darted toward me. “I can’t believe we’re actually here, at a party on a beach in Australia!” she said and hugged me as I pulled Nick close behind us. “I know,” I said back, smiling.

“Hey Joe, uh, w-who’s this?” Nick asked, looking over at him, pointing over at the guy standing right next to his brother. “uh, I don’t know-Derek or something,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s David,” he snapped. The guy turned and looked over at me. He looked super familiar, but where have I seen him from? That restaurant, he’s the waiter guy who was staring over at me and Nick got jealous. He looked over at me and smiled a really cheesy smile, it looked creepy, really.

“Why-hello gorgeous,” he said as his eyes moved down to my feet and then back up. Wow, was he really trying to impress me? My boyfriend was standing right next to me. Isn’t it that obvious, I’m not interested. “Hi,” I said, smiling a bit and moved an arm around Nick, pulling him closer, showing him I didn’t want anything to do with him. I leaned in closer to Nick and whispered something in his ear. “Let’s go somewhere else, I’m a bit uncomfortable…you know who that guy is, right?” I said quietly in his ear. Pulling away slightly, I notice him shake his head. “Remember when you took me out and then we went to walk around the beach?” I said, looking in his eyes as he held me tight and close in his arms. His eyes widened. “T-that’s him?” he asked eyes wide. I nodded.

“Let’s go somewhere where we can be away from him, I don’t want him to try and steal you away from me, you’re all mine and no one else’s,” he said, smiling over at me as he led me through the crowd over to a large vacant area on the sand. Looking back to the crowd, I couldn’t even see Joe or Bridget, including that “David” guy. He was a total creeper. I really hoped he wouldn’t try to find us-me, rather than Nick.

Like Nick said that night after we got back to the hotel, if he ever came that close to me or even try to touch me, he will forever be a dead man walking. I was starting to get kind of scared, will he try coming looking for me? I really hope not. Not ruining the moment, Nick grabbed my hand and led me over to a rock that was sort of near the water. As I looked out over the water the sun was close to setting.

After helping me up on to the rock, Nick got behind me and pulled me up against his chest so he was holding me close. “Nicky, it looks so beautiful,” I smiled as I looked over as it started to set. “It’s not as beautiful as you, love,” he said, lightly kissing the back of my neck. I could feel him move his arms up to rest on my bare sides under my shirt. He continued to hold me close as we watched the sun set.


As Nick and I were walking back over to where Joe and Bridget were, I felt a firm tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw David standing there. What was this guy’s problem? Is he ever going to get the hint that I am not interested? “H-hey,” he muttered with a drunken smile, there was a strong smell of alcohol on his breath. I stiffened up a bit and moved my arm tighter around Nick. “H-hi?” I questioned, staring over at him with a stern look. Was this ever going to end?
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Well, there's the next chapter!
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