Status: OVER :( But The Sequel is UP! :)

Playing With My Heart

I Need To Make My Move


I found Taylor at his locker after school. I was going to take Pat’s word and ask Riley out.

“Hey Taylor, are you going to the game”

“Yeah. I’m guessing you are”

“You bet”

“Want to go together?” I asked nervously. I must have been shaking like I was cold.

“Yeah. Come on” he said as we walked to his house.

“What time is the game?”

“8. Can you believe they have to practice til then”

“Really? Wow! That’s a lot of practicing”

“I know” he said as we reached his room. “I’m just going to check my e-mail,” he said as I nodded. I need to make my move and soon.

“Weird. I don’t have any,” he said. I just shrugged. He laughed.


“You haven’t said anything. I don’t know it seems funny” I just looked at him. “Sorry”

“It’s ok” I said as he looked at me. I wonder what he is thinking, but at the same time, I didn’t want to know.

“So” he said.

“So” I repeated as he walked over to me.

“I really like what happened a couple nights ago,” he said coming straight for me.

“What?” I was confused.

“Let me remind you” he said as he sat in my lap and started kissing me. I didn’t know what to do, but what Pat said seemed true, so I kissed back. He pushed me back onto his bed. “Do you remember now?” he questioned lying on top of me.

“Yes, I remember it like it was yesterday” I said as I kissed him again.


We ended up making out for a good two hours.

“What time is it?” he asked as he moved his hand from up my shirt, his other hand down my pants.

“Shit, we have to go- the game starts in an hour,” he said as I groaned. “Sorry- Come on,” he said as he pulled me off the bed. “We’re going to take a shower together”


“Really, now get your beautiful ass in my shower” he said hitting my ass…


Riley and I actually ended up taking a shower. I thought we’d have sex first.

“Thanks for letting me use your shower,”

“Anytime” he said eyeing me. I laughed.

“You ready?” I asked once he came out of his closet.

“Yes, let’s go” he said as we went downstairs.

“You boys off to the game?” his mom asked.

“Yeah” Riley answered.

“Boys, why is you’re hair wet?” she asked. Observant much?

“We took a shower,” Riley said as if his mom was stupid.

“Funny, I thought I only heard the water once”

“You’re just deaf mom- see you after the game” he called as we left.

“Your mom is very observant”

“Yeah. Sorry about that” he apologized.

“Nah it’s fine” he nodded.

“Would you like to walk or drive?” he asked.

“Drive” I said as we got into his car.

“Is there a reason you wanted to drive?” he asked

“So I can do this” I leaned in and kissed him. “Without people looking” I said as I pulled away from his lips.

“I like that” he said as he drove to the school. We got there in less than five minutes. Once he parked leaned over and kissed me.

“You know we’re early,” I said as he jumped over and sat on my lap.

“Yup, there’s a reason for that”

“And that is?”

“I need to see Pat,” he said giving me an apologetic look.

“Yeah. Of course, I’ll save you a seat” I said as I tried to get up.

“But first” he said kissing me. Does all this kissing mean we’re a couple? I was too nervous to ask him if he liked me since it seemed pretty obvious.

“After the game” he said in my ear as he kissed my neck- giving me a hickey. “We’ll celebrate- the two of us”

“What about Pat?” I practically moaned.

“We’ll celebrate with him first, then it’s you and me,” he said, “What do you say?”

“I say fuck yes” I moaned as he kissed my lips.

“Good” he laughed. “I’ll see you in our seats” he said as we got out of the car.

“Yeah” I had to hide the hickey he gave me, so I popped my collar. Yeah I looked so cool like this.

He waved as I got to the door and showed our tickets.

The game didn’t start for a good half hour- so I had nothing better to do than text Riley:
I miss u already. I sent.

Lol. I’ll be bck b4 u noe it. He texted back as the stadium to fill up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so you guys probably don't believe me when I say this story is ending because I keep saying it, and the story isn't ending. (Well that could be a good thing) but yes it is, and sorry this chapter is so late but I wanted to see how many comments I would get for my sequel idea, and I've gotten 11, I'm guessing you guys really don't want a sequel if that's how many comments your gunna give me. There is still time, so I still want a good amount of comments, please for meeee :) It would put a smile on my face :D (Even though all your comments do that :P )