Status: OVER :( But The Sequel is UP! :)

Playing With My Heart

Ow! Bad Idea!


I left Taylor feeling crazy, and alive, if that made any sense at all? I was starting to really like Taylor, and in more ways than one.

“Riri” I heard Pat call. “So did you bring Taylor?”

“Yes I did”

“Are you two a couple?”

“No, we’re here as friends” I told him as he pouted. “What?”

“I told you, you too have to go out with each other”

“Yeah so, why should I listen to you?”

“Because you always listen to me,” I laughed because it was true.

“Alright boys group huddle” the couch called.

“I gotta go, but promise me you’ll be going out by the end of tonight”

“I’m not promising anything, good luck” I said as I turned so he couldn’t say anything more.

I saw Taylor by himself. He didn’t look like he was having much fun.

“Hey” I said as I sat beside him.

“I thought you’d never come”

“Sorry” I apologized.

“No, it’s ok, you’re here now” I smiled as the game started. He was acting like a boyfriend, maybe that’s what he thought we were. But we aren’t! I love Pat! I feel like I’m cheating on Pat, but Pat doesn’t even like you, Riley. You should just take Pat’s word and go out with Taylor, he’s been telling you that so you won’t get your heart broken. He knows what’s best, better to just do that… but my heart is telling me otherwise, shouldn’t you follow you’re heart? Yeah and that led you here beside Taylor. Oh good God, I’m having a ridicules argument in my head. I thought as I looked over at Taylor. I could tell he knew nothing about football by the confused look on his face.

“I don’t get this sport” he finally burst.

“It’s ok, no need to get upset about it” I said as he looked at me then smiled.

“I’m just glad I’m not here alone” we both laughed.

“And the Falcons score the winning touchdown” the announcer yelled.

“Woooo! We won,” I yelled as I hugged Taylor.

“Yay?” he asked confused.

“Yes yay! Come” I said as I pulled him to the change room.

“Woooo!” I yelled as I walked in.

“That was the best game,” Pat said as I high fived him.

“I’ll wait outside” I heard Taylor say but I wasn’t paying much attention.

“We are celebrating! We should get some beer from you’re dad’s fridge”

“Why my dad?”

“Cuz, my dad has none left” I just laughed.

“Yeah ok and we’ll get hammered”

“You betcha” he said getting dressed. Oh how I’d love to kiss every part of his body.

“So are you and Taylor an item?” he asked using the popular term for it. I shook my head. “Why the fuck not?” he asked as we started walking out. “I swear if you don’t ask him or vise versa, I’m asking him out for you” he threatened, though I knew it was a joke.

We left the change room and I looked around for Taylor. I found him, yeah I found him all right! I wanted to punch something. I saw the brick wall and took a good swing at it. Ow! Bad idea. Oh Shit! Ow!

“Shit, Riley. I thought you said that Taylor was gay?” he asked at I looked at my hand. “Yeah that’s what you get for waiting too long” he said as he looked at my hand. “And you didn’t have to punch the wall. I think you broke your hand,” he said. I didn’t care. I took him and made out with Pat right there in the middle of the parking lot. I heard many gasps as our lips moved.

“Riley?" I heard Taylor say as I looked up to see him. The girl that I saw him making out with, was still around him. Was she a fuckin’ animal? I just walked away from him. I didn’t even know why I felt so hurt, it’s not like he was my boyfriend, and it wasn’t like I loved him or anything…
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess what guys... this story is ending :P Yup This is the second last chapter. There's one more. I still haven't really decided about the sequel thing, maybe but I'm not sure. I might tell you next chapter, you guys just have to wait and find out.

ALSO! I put up characters for this story if you wanna check it out.

And as always COMMENT!! :)