Status: OVER :( But The Sequel is UP! :)

Playing With My Heart

My Brain... It's Kinda Messed Up

“Uh we played a great game, don’t you think?” Pat asked as we ate burgers.

“Yes, just wonderful” I said as I leaned against the wall away from Pat, in our booth. With all these thoughts in my head today, better to stay away.

“What’s wrong with you? You seem so out of it” he asked coming closer to me.

“I’m fine”

“No, you’re not”

“Can I tell you later?”

“Let me think, uh fine but you better”

Taylor just sat there eating his food across from us. He seemed out of it too.

“So you like football?” Pat asked Taylor.

“I asked him that already”

“Oh sorry, what do you like?”

“Music” he mumbled.

“Really? Me too, play anything?”


“Oh cool, I play guitar” Pat said but Taylor was paying attention.

“Denied” I whispered in his ear.

“Oh shut up” he said trying to hit me, but missed. “So how long are you staying here?”

“Til next year when I graduate”

“Wait, you don’t graduate this year?” he shook his head. “Oh wow” I shook my head as well.

“Want dessert or do you just want to go home?”

“I would like dessert please” I said smiling as he ordered a banana split. We always shared because none of us could ever finish one alone, but we could together.

“Here you boys are” the waitress said bringing our banana split. I was eating when Pat spilt his ice cream on my lap. When I went to look down we bumped heads.

“Ow, my head” we both said at the same time.

“Geez, what are you feeding Pat, your mouth or my crotch?”

“I don’t know is your crotch hungry?” he laughed.

“Ha-ha, funny”

“Look, I’m sorry let me get it” he said as he got a napkin and he started wiping my crotch. Oh God, how that must sound!

“Uh it’s ok” I started, but I couldn’t stop him-or wouldn’t stop him! Wait! Stop no, I am not enjoying this! Brain stop with the dirty thoughts, right now! I tried to relax, so I closed my eyes, but when I did a little moan escaped my mouth.

“Mm” I jerked forward opening my eyes.

“Riri, what’s wrong?” I could feel him stop, but when he said my name, oh that turned me on. I have to admit it now, I can’t deny it now, it happened.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me” I have lied.

“I think it’s time to go home now, I think you’re lacking some sleep” Pat said, and I couldn’t object.

I could feel him move me, even though I was capable of moving myself. His arm slid around my waist. Was he doing this on purpose now? Or am I imaging things? Then I must be hallucinating, then that means all day, I’ve been hallucinating? I’m going crazy! Oh today was not the best day to wear tight jeans!“I’ll take him home, you can get home from here right?”

“Yeah” Taylor squeaked again.

“Alright then, it was nice meeting ya” he said as we walked home.

“What was up with you in there?”

“I don’t know” I told him as he looked at me.

“Wasn’t there something you wanted to tell me?”

“No, what?” I was confused, I felt drunk, no even worse hung-over.

“The reason you were acting weird”

“Oh right that” I said as we walked into my house.

“Hey boys, I’m guessing you won, you stole my son, Patrick” my mom said greeting us.

“Yeah we did” Pat gleamed.

“We’re just gonna go upstairs” I said pushing Pat up the stairs.

“Not so fast young man. Did you go see Mrs. Wellington?”

“Yes mom”

“What did she want?” she pestered on.

“Her nephew moved in with her, he’s a year younger than me and Pat, and she wants me to show him around” I summarized.

“Alright” she said as we rushed up the stairs.

“So?” he asked once he closed the door to my room.

“This might sound strange”

“You are strange Riri”

“Thanks, but these weird thoughts I keep having”

“Like what?”

“You and, well uh”

“What?” he said choking on air.

“My brain kept telling me you look hot, and then you spilt that banana split on me”

“Oh my god, you’re not-“


“But I?” I looked away. “I did, didn’t I? I turned you on” he said as I looked at him.

“Gah, fine, yeah you did” I blurted out. He snickered. “I’m scared Pat, I don’t know”

“Oh come on Riri, you’ll be fine, this little phase will pass”

“Yeah and what if it doesn’t?”

“I don’t know, I guess we can’t be friends then”

“Come on, be serious with me”

“I am being serious, if you have a crush on me, I don’t know how I can live with that” I just stared at him in total shock. “What? It’s not like you do have a crush on me, do you?” he then looked at me. His green eyes tearing me apart,I don’t like him, but that hurt.

“No, I don’t like you; my brain is kinda messed up right now” he looked at me.

“Glad to hear it, I wouldn’t want to have to like not be friends with you, because you’re my first friend, and you’re my best friend”

“Yeah I know” I smiled. “I don’t think this will come between us” I said as he got up.

“Better get home before my parents think I’ve been abducted by aliens. Oh wait I have, you” we both laughed as he left my house.

What he said today started to settle into my brain. Wow what a weird day!
♠ ♠ ♠
SURPRISE! I posted, and not on a Monday :P
Well I was reading your comments ,and no one liked my idea. (Ow guys that hurt... I kid, I kid :P) and well, so I was thinking would it be ok if I post twice a week? Like randomly
My problem is I can never find time to type out what I have wriiten so it's hard, but I'll try, I promise. So do you guys like this idea??