Status: OVER :( But The Sequel is UP! :)

Playing With My Heart

Be Serious


Pat had come over and woken me up and now I was crying like a baby. I don’t normally cry, but everything that has been happening has got me in tears.

“I’m sorry,” I said as I dried my tears. “I just hate my life” I said when more tears started to form. Great Pat’s gunna think I’m a baby.

“What? Why? When you have a best friend like me, how can you not love your life?” he questioned. Pat always thought he was the greatest at everything.

“That’s it right there” I said trying to get it out.

“I’m sorry, I don’t follow” Uhh of course not!

“I think it’s plain to see we can’t be friends much longer”

“Why because your gay?”

“Well yeah” I mumbled.

“I only said if you like me” That was it right there. “But clearly I think you like Taylor” What? Has he gone bonkers? Me like Taylor? Was he oblivious to everything around him? Why can’t he se it? I fuckin’ love him. There I thought it again. Take that brain!

Sure” I mumbled.

“It will be alright. You don’t see it yet, but I know it’s going to be alright” Alright my ass! Everything was going to go downhill from here. Pat would leave me- then I would be by myself. I would have Taylor- but I don’t really like Taylor. Not saying he’s not a great guy, cuz he is, just I’m not into him like Pat. Pat was silent and I want to know what he was thinking. I looked over at him sitting in the chair. The way he stared out there blankly, I just wanted to kiss him. OO that was a weird thought. But in a sense it was true. I started to move myself toward him, but he got up from the chair. I stopped moving.

“Riri, everything will be ok,” he said as he sat on the bed.

“I guess so” I reply shyly.

“Why the heck don’t you believe me?” he asked harshly.

“No, no, I believe you” I told him as I moved just an inch closer. He didn’t even notice. I took him by surprise when I kissed him.

“Wow! What the fuck man?” he jumped back. I looked down ashamed at what I just did. “I thought we got over this stuff?” he questioned. His eyes were mad, he was mad!

“I-I-I-I-I don’t know,” I stuttered out as he looked at me.

“You know what I said"

“But why?” I whined.

“Why what?”

“Nothing” I said shutting up before I said something I regret. I felt like leaving. I tried to get up, but Pat pushed me down. I tried harder this time, but Pat sent me falling backwards while he fell on top of me. This position sent my mind on a trip.

“You’re not leaving til you tell me everything,” he said sitting on me. I kissed him again. Trying to be romantic, but failing hopelessly.

“Stop” he said trying to break away, but he was too close to me and he couldn’t move. I kissed him again. Doing this made myself feel better, even though it was against Pat’s will.

I licked his lower lip and to my surprise his tongue entered my mouth. I got him to cave. I thought to myself. We soon were making out hardcore and I couldn’t stop myself. I could feel his arms that were on my wrists move. I thought he was going to pull away. So much for a dream come true. But to my surprise his hands found the bottom of my shirt and off went my shirt. Then he found the button on my jeans. Unbuttoning it ever so slowly, pulling the zipper down. He began to pull my jeans out to reveal my boner.

“Wow Riri” he mumbled in my ear. I knew this was going to happen tonight- I could feel it.

He rubbed his hand over my crotch a couple of times to get a moan out of me. Then he started moving his hips riding me, but then he stopped and got off of me-leaving me there! Uh what?

“Pat?” I called as I jumped up.

“Yeah” he yawned. I just looked at him. “What? I don’t do guys,” he said as he left the room.

Great! Now I had the biggest boner and he left. This is NOT how I pictured this night to go. I thought he would have just finished having sex with me, and never talk to me again, but this was plain embarrassing!

I dressed and jumped out the window. I was leaving. Pat was a confusing mess and I didn’t feel like handling it. As I ran home I ran into someone. Oh of course it had to be Taylor!

“Taylor! What the fuck?” I asked as I picked my ass off the ground.

“Sorry. I run in the morning” he said as he looked at me- and I knew he wasn’t looking at my face.

“So, what?” I asked as he kept looking, and then laughed. Uh I don’t see what’s so funny!

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“Can you see the size of it?” he laughed more. Huh? The size of what? Oh is this some mean sick joke? “I’m sorry, but just go home and look in the mirror,” he laughed as he started to run. “If you need help, you’ll know where to find me” he called.

What the hell was he talking about? I questioned myself as I got home, to my parents not home, usual, but who cares, I need to find a mirror. I ran to the hall mirror and took a good look at myself, and then I got it.

The boner, that I still have, was huge, you could see it threw my pants. And Taylor wanted to know how big my dick was? Weirdo. . I thought as I ran upstairs to find Pat in my room.

“Holy shit” I screamed as I moved into my room. “What are you doing here?”

“We really need to figure this out,” he said as I sat down on the bed. Would I ever get rid of this boner?

“I know we do Pat”

“Please tell me you don’t like me”

“I don’t like you” That was easy.

“Be serious”

“I, don’t like you” It was the truth. I didn’t like him; I loved him, but Shh! No one needs to know!

“Oh ok, good, I thought what happened this morning was you telling me you liked me”

“Nah, just seeing if I’m really gay. I guess I am”

“And you’re ok with that?”

“No, but I think I can live” I just really need to get rid of this boner! “I’ll be back”

“Wait” he called.

“What?’ I whined.

“Where are you going?”

“Why do you care if I go to the bathroom? Unless you wanna join me” I smirked.

“Oh” he let out a laugh. “No, no thank you” Yeah that’s what I thought. I thought to myself as I left the room. Some things are going to change.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, well, well. This is punishment! I updated so late on purpose, I was going to post tomorrow, but I thought I'd be nice. Guess what guys, I got 4 comments last chapter! 4 COMMENTSS!!!! WHERE ARE MY COMMENTS? I'm being serious, the more comments I get the faster I will update, all the chapters are typed and ready to go, it's just up to you guys!