My Eight Year Wait

My 8 Year Wait

This is it. We're finally together.
Lying in bed, listening to the soft snores of the man who I have undoubtedly loved for the last eight years, I can't help but smile. My hand lowers down the curve of my body, the cool metal of my wedding ring on the swelling of my seven month pregnant stomach. Something foreign but familiar is there. His hand.
From the day I saw JD I knew there was something special about him. It wasn't the goofy smile on his face, the way he tilted his head and spaced out or the way him & Turk were more of a couple than anyone I knew. It was all of those things and so much more.
Watching him float past me with Alex, Danni and the other girls was tough. Keith and Shaun were no match for JD. Everytime our "dating" broke down I'd be crushed. Even when I got engaged I couldn't help but wonder why it wasn't him next to me. When JD proposed to me, I didn't need to plan. It was perfect. He was perfect.
I lace my fingers through his and feel a flutter in my stomach. A mixture of our unborn child giving me a nudge and my heart skipping a beat. A fierce rush of love floods through me, I'm finally where I want to be.

My eight year wait was worth it.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is basically a oneshot/drabble about how Elliot feels for JD. I'm shocked at the lack of Scrubs fanfic here!