Life as I know it

Chapter 1

I lay on my new bed, in my new room, in my new house. God it sucks. Dad doesn’t mind me. He just wants me to be happy. I like that. The space he gives me is nice. The thing that sucks is that I have to go to school tomorrow. Dammit. Another school where people dont know me at all... well then again there is the neighbour. He's nice. Hot too. I totally like my neighbour. His name is Jared. He has pale skin, dark brown hair, and the most amazing blue eyes that I have ever seen.

I stood up and walked to the computer desk and sat down. I logged into Tilt, a chatting application. Keller, my almost ex-boyfriend, Mac, my bestfriend, whom is a lesbian, and her girlfriend Star, were on. I smiled. I looked at the message Mac had just sent me.

Maccy: Hey Chess. How's the new house?
ChessBoy: Meh. It's good I guess...
Maccy: Mhmm... met your neighbours yet?
ChessBoy: Duuhhhh! Well... one neighbour. Only one within miles LOL
Maccy: ha-ha. Well. Any kids?
ChessBoy: Uh-huh. Same age ;D He is SOOOOOOO gorgeous!
Maccy: -laugh- Well well well. Got a new crush now dont we?
ChessBoy: Uh... -blush-
Maccy: ha-ha well. I need to go do some things. Bye Chess.
Maccy signed off.

I sat back and sighed. She was right. I was soooo crushing on Jared. But... I dont know... he is probably straight. I went and layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was totally going to be nervous as hell tomorrow! I yawned and went to sleep, totally needing a good long nap.

Jared's POV

I sat in my room, almost every band that I loved covering my walls, and looked out my window. Mr. Morgan had brought his son over to meet my family. Chess..., I thought to myself. The guy was alright. Adorable as hell. I shook my head. Didn't mind my expressing of my sexuality.

Oh. I am gay. You'll get the guy point of view, but also you dont have to worry about me getting girls prego. Or touching their boobs.

I thought about the guy. Chess. He looked pretty nervous, and he blushed ALOT. He kept looking at me, and I could swear I felt all... well... I feel like I wanted to blush too! Geez. The kid had that aura about him. He is probably a happy kid. But then again... he... he was different. I smiled to myself and went to my desk and started drawing. That's what I do. When I have absolutely NOTHING to do I sit down and draw. Maybe about 20 minutes passed before I was down drawing. I laughed. I drew an amazing picture of my dog Dime. I leaned back in the chair. I turned my head as my sister came in. "Hey Taylor. Wa'd you want?" Yeah I talk weird, but I like it that way =P.

"Dinner. Now. So hurry your gay ass up."She grinned at me, she and the rest of my family were so supportive! I could cry ya know...

I got up and pushed her softly. "Yea yea." I grinned and walked past her. We all sat at the table and ate. I looked up, hating the hole dad was boring into the top of my head. "Yes Dad?" God. He does that waaaay to much.

"Mmm. Nothing." He looked away from me and continued eating.

I got fed up with his 'nothing' answers and stood up putting my plate on the counter, and went up stairs without anyone following me. Good. I grabbed my IPod and flopped onto my bed and put the earphones in. I turned on the music and lay down, putting my head on my pillow. I don't know when I fell asleep, but a hardly noticed...
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Okay I know it's kinda short, but it's good right? lol.