Hello My Name Is...

Not unlike the movie "Crash", which inolved different ethnicities, this story portrays the struggle of a Prep, Thug, Emo, and Skater Punk.

They're lives collide after a grave situation, each individual reacts and copes with it differently.
Enemies become allies, Friends become enemies, and somethings will never change, no matter the circumstance.

The first Chapter is after the Tragedy. The chapters that follow are taking place before the big event.
  1. Teenage Sin
    Just What Happened?
  2. Live Life Laughing
    Alice Before the Tragedy
  3. Mad Doggin Me?
    William Before the Tragedy
  4. Making It Hurt Like It Should
    Davey Before the Tragedy
  5. Pay Now, Or Pain Now
    Seth Before the tragedy
  6. Cosmetically Superficial
    Beauty is..
  7. Boys Will Be Boyz
  8. Bleeding Hearts
  9. New Kid On The Block
  10. A Twist Of Fate
    Alice and the ankle
  11. Crackin Skulls
    Thugs vs. Skaters
  12. Life Evermore
    Davey lives
  13. The New Chick
    Elle and Seth sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S.....
  14. Unlikely Allies
    Alice and Davey
  15. Fuel To The Fire
    William and Clay
  16. Why Bother With The Chore Called "Life"?
    Make a change
  17. The Victims Daughter
    Elle opens up to Seth
  18. Time Passes Like Water
    A month goes by...
  19. Back In Da Cut
    William and his suspension
  20. Help
    Poor Seth
  21. Intro To A Tragedy
    It starts with a low murmur...
  22. The First Tragedy
    Run William, Run
  23. The Second Tragedy
    Get out of there Davey
  24. The Third Tragedy
    It's okay Seth....
  25. All Is Quiet
  26. The Angry Red
    Out of control
  27. That Ever Present Sting
    It hurts to be Davey
  28. That Final Flicker Of A Dying Flame
    Seth mourns the dead
  29. Study Buddies
    Alice and Davey get closer.
  30. Payback
    William and Mars
  31. Dance With Me?
    Davey and the dance
  32. Dancers In The Dark
    Ballroom dancer
  33. Just Him And I
    Alice and Davey at the dance
  34. Why Am I Here Again?
    A short chapter this time around, following William
  35. Comfort And Joy
    After the dance
  36. Good-bye
    Elle goes away
  37. Lil Further Down The Road
    Alice all grown up
  38. Of Better Service
    William all grown up
  39. Still Got It.
    Davey grows up
  40. Living His Life
    Seth changes...
  41. A Proper Ending
    That evening