Hello My Name Is...

All Is Quiet


Davey was there, bleeding out in front of her. His outstretched hand, beckoning her to save him. The pale scar flashing at her madly, the too long hallway twisting and winding as Davey's killer fired a dozen more bullets into his body.

"HELP ME!!!" Davey screamed as blood spattered his face.

Alice woke up with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with a shaky hand. Another nightmare, after three months, still having nightmares.
She stopped herself from crying, refusing to spill any more salt for the incident. It was what he had wanted all along, Clay "The Killer" Vickers.

She reached for her cell phone, and called the number. He had given it to her awhile ago, in case she wanted to talk. The phone rang four times before a sleepy voiced boy answered.


Alice smiled slightly, she was happy he was awake, "Hi...it's me."

"Hey, is everything okay?" Davey asked his voice deep and tired.

"Yeah..just another nightmare. Same thing, I just wanted to hear your voice. It let's me know that you're alive and safe after all."

She heard him laugh on the phone, "Mm...Alice, what time is it?"

She looked at her clock, "About three in the morning. I'm sorry to wake you up at this hour, do you want me to let you go?"

He sighed, "No, it's okay. We can talk for a little while. Talk to me."

"Okay. I've been feeling...odd lately," she said hesitantly.

"Odd? What...what do you mean?" he replied with a yawn.

"Like, how I felt before. All that sadness, and sorrow...the stuff that people like me aren't accustomed to feeling y'know?"

"Yeah, the stuff that I'm supposed to be an expert on right?" he said blandly.

"No, nothing like that! I just..I just don't want to be alone right now is all. Just thinking about that day...still scares me," she said softly.

"It scares me too sometimes...a lot. If you hadn't been there to save me...you and...what was his name? Seth, I think?"

Alice nodded, "Yeah, he saved us. Have you heard from him lately?"

"No, I haven't seen or heard from him since that day. He tends to keep to himself now."

Alice frowned, "That's not right. Is he okay? I mean, a lot has happened to him and all..."

"I couldn't tell you, he's pretty much a hermit. He's extremely anti-social, but people don't blame him for it. In fact, most people are cool with him. He just never talks anymore."

Alice pursed her lips, she knew what Davey was talking about. She had seen Seth only a couple times at school. He sat by himself at lunch, never ate, never talked. He was an empty broken person now.

"You there?"

Alice regained her thoughts, "What? Yeah, sorry. Just thinking about him is all."

"Hm...yeah, he's a tragic one. Him and William. That guy though, he's a walking time bomb."

Alice agreed to that as well. William was always looking for a fight, a reason to be angry. He was a lot more aggressive now, wreck-less, coming to school drunk or stoned. She felt bad for him too.

"Sometimes, I feel like all of this is my fault! I shouldn't have messed with you that one day in class. If I hadn't insulted you and bitched to Clay, none of this would have happened! I hate myself so much right now, I really do! I've caused so much pain...."

Alice started to cry, her chest aching, a deep sorrow that would not spring free.

"Don't blame yourself on this! It was not your fault in the least bit!" Davey said, trying to comfort her.

She knew he was just trying to be nice. She found it funny, how they had once been enemies, and now they were so close to each other.

"I don't know Davey, sometimes I just want to end myself. I think I should pay for what has happened!"

Davey silenced her, "The only one who needs to pay is already paying for it."

"I hate myself."

She heard Davey sigh, she could tell he was getting upset over her. She hate herself even more now. She began to ponder about it, could she actually go through with it? Davey coughed on the phone, drawing her attention.

"Don't do anything stupid Alice, hurting yourself is not the answer, trust me."

Alice wasn't quite sure what he meant, but silently agreed with him. She never had anyone outside of her family care so much about her. Not her friends or even James. She was touched by his caring words.

"Promise me Alice!" he said sternly.

"Okay...I promise."

Davey sighed again, a sigh of relief, "Are you going to be okay? I can stay on as long as you need me to."

Alice could tell he was tired, that he had all intentions of staying up and talking to her. But she felt bad keeping up.

"I'm much better now, now that I've talked to you. I should let you go," she said.

"Well hey, we got school in a couple hours, I'll see you then?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks for listening to me Davey, you're a good friend," Alice said softly.

"You are too. Goodnight Alice, see you in a few."

Alice hung up the phone and placed it back on her night stand. She rolled over, not sure if she wanted to attempt sleeping again or not. She closed her eyes and waited until her alarm went off.