Hello My Name Is...

Still Got It.


David welcomed his wife home with a hug and a kiss. He took her coat and hung it up for her.
While his daughter told her mother about her soccer game, David went through the house for one last final check.

After going from room to room and going down a checklist his wife had made, he confirmed that everything was in order. He thought it silly to follow lists, but his wife insisted on it, and it really did help keep things in order around here.

"Okay, now you two be on your best behavior okay?" he heard his wife say as she went into the bedroom to change.

"The baby sitter should be here shortly, mommy brought home dinner, so go ahead and start chowing down," David said, helping his children into their seats at the table.

David graduated and went to a community college for night classes while he worked at a local newspaper during the day. It wasn't until a local university had read one of his articles, did they want him to work on their staff. Soon, that job changed into full journalism for the city newspaper, magazines, and editorials. He was also a freelance writer, writing for literary magazines and books. David was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for his work on a written documentary about school violence and shootings. He had never imagined his life would turn out like this!

Alice came back into the kitchen, dressed and ready, "Is the babysitter here yet?"

No sooner had she asked, did a car pull up in the driveway.

"She's here, okay kids, be good, don't fight too much, behave!" David said as he kissed them good-bye.

"We won't daddy!" Allison said with a smile.

"Okay, we'll see you when we get home if you're not asleep!" Alice said, kissing her children good-bye as well.

The babysitter came in, David gave her the contact information. A little idle chit chat and last conversation with the kids, and they were out the door.

"You ready Davey?" Alice asked, as they got into the car.

"Huh, no one has called me that in years!" David said with a smile and laugh.

"Brings back memories huh? Well, I'm certain at least one person is going to call you by that name tonight!"

David agreed, most likely one of those familiar faces would break that name out and blow the dust off of it.