Status: RIP James Owen Sullivan. We all miss you. You'll always be in our hearts. <3

Ignorance is Kind

Here's a list of things you should know about me.

One: My name is Hope Ryleigh Baker.
Two: I am sixteen-years-old.
Three: I'm going into my junior year of high school.
Four: My best friend is Jessica Logan Seward.
Five: I like the color red.

Here's a list of things I'm not allowed to do, but do anyways.

One: Drink.
Two: Smoke.
Three: Have tattoos.
Four: Cuss.
Five: Have relations with my history teacher.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avenged Sevenfold. Duh.

Like this story? Hows about you go read it from Matt's point of view? I promise it won't disappoint. ->> The Crow and the Butterfly.