Status: RIP James Owen Sullivan. We all miss you. You'll always be in our hearts. <3

Ignorance is Kind


"Jessie, I don't know what to wear," I whined.

I was standing in the middle of my bedroom in nothing but a bra and underwear. It was the first day of school, and, as I previously stated, I had no idea what to wear. My best friend, Jessica, was fully clothed and standing in front of the mirror on my dresser, doing her make up. Her brown eyes looked at my face and she shrugged. I sighed and continued rummaging through my closet.

I gasped and turned around. "Jess! I know what I can wear!"

She looked at me in the mirror, then turned to fully face me. "And what would that be, Hope?"

I held up the shirt that I held in my hands. It was an old Misfits tee. Jessica raised an eyebrow at me, and laughed.

"Where'd you get that?"

I smiled sheepishly. "I stole it from Zacky."

"How are you going to wear it to school? It's all torn up."

"I'll wear my white thermal underneath it. Duh."

"Okay, whatever makes you happy. Now get dressed, you whore," Jessica laughed.

I bumped her away from my dresser to grab a pair of shirts and my thermal, then put them on. I looked into my mirror and shook my head. I contemplated putting make up on, and decided on just a bit of eyeliner. Both Jessie and I were finishing up our make up when there was a knock on my door. We heard it open.

"You two better hurry up. I'm taking you to school."

We spun around to see my cousin Zacky leaning against the door frame. I was just about to say something when he noticed the shirt I was wearing.

"Why the fuck are you wearing my shirt?"

"Ah, come on, Zacky," I whined, something I did alot.

"No, it's my shirt, Hope. You don't even like the Misfits."

"Yes, I do!"

"Name four songs."



"Fine!" I yelled. I tore the t-shirt off of my body and threw it at him. "Now get out so I can change. We'll be down in a little bit."

Zacky dropped us off at the school, then sped off to go do some other stupidshit stuff. Jessica and I walked into the school. We were trying to find our other friend Jordan. That task shouldn't have been as hard as it was proving to be. Jordan was very tall. And how many 6'3" guys do you know who have lime green hair? Not many, I'm sure. When we got to the junior hallway, I spotted him. I ran over and jumped on his back.


He dipped a bit from the unexpected weight of me, then laughed and spun around; grabbing onto my legs, which were around his torso. "Hello, Hope."

"How was Floridia?" I asked, blowing air into his ear.

He shook his head, still laughing. "Boring without my best buds."

"Aw, you're so sweet," Jess said, standing beside us.

We heard someone clear their throat, and all turned towards the sound.

"Miss Baker, this is school, not a playground. Please get off of Mr. Harper."

I laughed, and hopped off of Jordan. "Sorry, Principal Peters."

He nodded at us then walked away, towards his office.

"This is going to be an interesting year."

Jess and I walked down the hallway. It was first period; study hall. We were going back to the study hall room from the library. We turned a corner and Jessica immediately stopped.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

The person in front of us was her brother, Johnny. "What's it to you?" he asked.

"Johnny! It's you!" I yelled.

Him and Jess looked at me. He shook his head and turned back to his sister. "I'm here because I need some stuff for a job I'm applying for. And shouldn't you two be in class?"

"We are in study hall, dear Johnny," I said.

"We were just in the library."

Johnny scoffed. "Library? You? I mean, Hope, I can see you in a library, but Jess?"

"Hey! I read a shit load more than you ever have!" Jess exclaimed.

I smiled, and put my hands on Jess, pulling her around Johnny. "Okay, well, it was nice seeing you, Johnny, but we'll be on our way now."

As we walked away, I said to Jess, "I'm so glad I don't have any siblings."

"Yeah, but you have Zacky, and that's almost as bad."

I snorted. "True."

Five minutes before the bell, we walked back into the study hall room.

The bell rang, and we were off to History.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kinda slow to start off with...
But it'll get better. I hope.

Hope's outfit.