Status: RIP James Owen Sullivan. We all miss you. You'll always be in our hearts. <3

Ignorance is Kind


Jordan dropped me off a block from the apartment complex. I knew he was upset, and I felt bad about that. Before he left, I gave him a hug. I didn't like that he was so sad because of me.

I walked down the sidewalk, hugging myself and trying to find a way to be able to cheer Jordan up. I loved how quiet it was at midnight. All I could hear was the chirping of crickets. The moon was beautiful and high in the sky. I wondered to myself if Zacky would be home when I got there.

My answer to that question was Zacky's car sitting in the parking lot of our building. Apparently they hadn't left; Matt's car was in the same spot it had been when Jordan and I had left six hours earlier. I had a feeling I knew what they were doing.

After pushing open the door to the apartment, I found that my assumption had been right. Or rather, half right. There were many beer bottles sitting randomly around the living room, and Matt was sitting on the couch with an X-box controller in his hands. His eyes were fixed on the television. Zacky was nowhere to be seen.

I hung my keys up on the key rack by the door, then walked over and sat next to him on the sofa. I tried to figure out what game he was playing, but gave up after only a few seconds. I didn't ask either; if he was anything like Zack, he wouldn't like it if I spoke while he was playing.

Approximately seven minutes later, his game character was ambushed and killed. He cussed under his breath and threw the controller to the carpet. I stared at him, and after a few seconds he turned and looked back at me.

He grinned. "Hey, Hope!" he yelled.

My own eyes widened. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Um, Matt?"

"Yeah?" His eyes were bright.

"How much did you drink?"

His face abruptly fell. "Oh," he said slowly. "Well, Zacky- He, uh..." His words trailed off.

I smiled at his drunken confusion. "I bet you had a really good night with Zacky tonight; it was fun and gave you a break from all those whiny students you teach during the week, yeah?" He nodded. "Well, maybe it's time for you to go to sleep now, don't you agree?"

He thought about it for a second. "Yes."

"Okay," I looked around the living room. "I don't think you'll be able to sleep on the sofa," I said, motioned to the small loveseat that we only pretended was a couch.

He followed my gaze. "Me too."

I thought for a moment, then an idea came to my mind and my cheeks heated up. I realized that it could end bad, in a few different ways, but voiced the idea anyway. "You could...sleep in my room with me," I said softly.

His eyes went from the floor to my face in a matter of only a few seconds. He'd sobered up a bit and I heard him gulp quietly. "If that's alright with you," he trailed off.

I nodded, not taking my eyes from his. "I'll go change into my pajamas... My room is right next to Zacky's...," I stood up and half-ran to the bathroom to change.

After I'd put my bedtime shorts and tank on, I walked slowly down the hall to my room. Once I arrived, my light was still on andthere was a sexy hunk of yum Matt was laying on my bed in nothing but his boxers. A voice in my head was reminding me that if the school board saw that, Matt would be fired and thrown in jail.

I turned off the light, silently thanking God that Matt had turned the lamp that sat on my bedside table on. I shut my door most of the way, then walked over and sat on the bed next to where he was.

I pulled the covers up and laid down. As I was doing so, my legs rubbed up against Matt's and I felt him stiffen just as I did. I mumbled a "sorry" then turned over to face the opposite direction from him.

The bed moved and I felt a pair of lips on my cheek. "Thanks, Hope."
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