Status: RIP James Owen Sullivan. We all miss you. You'll always be in our hearts. <3

Ignorance is Kind


Jessica and I ran frantically through the school hallways. After we'd gotten out of our last class, Jordan had decided to chase us around the school. Most of the other students had left the building, and I was sure Zacky was getting upset that I was keeping him waiting, but screwing around with my two best friends was just too much fun. Jess and I stood around a corner; we could hear Jordan's footsteps walking down the hall. When he got close enough, we jumped out at him. He screamed a very high-pitched scream, and Jessica and I fell to the floor, clutching our sides.

"That was not fucking funny!" he yelled, his blue eyes wide.

"Yes, it was. You should have seen your face, Jordan!" I exlcaimed through my giggles.

"Hey, what's going on out here?" I heard a familiar deep voice shout down the hallway.

I moved and peeked around Jordan's body. Mr. Sanders was converging down the hallways towards us. I looked over at Jessica, who was still laughing, and started laughing harder again. Once Mr. Sanders had gotten to us, Jess and I were still laying on the ground, hysterically giggling, and Jordan was just getting the color back into his face.

"What's going on?" Mr. Sanders asked again.

Jess looked at me, then to Jordan and Mr. Sanders. "Nothing at all, sir," she laughed.

He turned to Jordan. "So what happened, Harper?"

"It was nothing. Really, Mr. Sanders. We were just messing around."

I jumped up. "But did you hear him scream?" I looked at Jess. "We totally got him."

Mr. Sanders let out a loud laugh. "That was you?" he asked Jordan. "That is fucking hilarious!"

Jordan's cheeks turned pink.

"You said the fuck word!" Jess yelled.

I laughed. Then my phone rang. It was, who else?, Zacky.

"Where the hell are you?"

"Sorry. I blame Jord. I'll be there in a bit. See you, Zack."

I looked at my friends. "Gotta go. Zacky's getting pissed. Take care of my wifey, Jordan." I began walking away. "Bye, guys. See you tomorrow, Mr. Sanders."


I plopped in the passenger seat of Zacky's crappy car. "Hi, cousin."

"What in Christ's name was taking you so long?"

I sighed. "Well, you see, after Jessica and I left the choir room, we felt like we were being stalked. But, at first, we shrugged it off. So we put our stuff in our lockers. Then we turned around and Jordan was standing right there! He told us to run, so we did. And guess, what, Zacky. He chased us. He chased us through the whole school. Then we hid from him behind a corner, and jumped out at him. Long story short, he screamed, our history teacher came out asked what was going on, and then you called."

Zacky looked at me, blinking. "You couldn't have shortened that up at all?"


He shook his head, then drove off towards thestupid apartment that he lovingly allowed me to live in with him. I would live with his parents, but I decided to live with Zack instead. Why? I don't know. Now that I've said that, I bet your wondering about my parents. Well, maybe you're not, but I'm going to tell you anyways. When I was about four, my parents died in a car accident. Tragic, I know. But I don't really remember them. Zacky and his parents were my closest relatives, so I was sent to live with them. Zack was twelve years older than me. But we got along really well. We still do, it's just...we're older and so now we express our love for one another with violence and rude comments.

I skipped upstairs to our apartment and dropped my backpack in the living room before falling onto the couch. Zacky took one look at me and rolled his eyes. He then walked over and sat directly on my stomach.

I oof'd. "Zack! Fucking get off!" I yelled.

"Nah, you're comfortable."

I pushed on him, but his fatness forced me to not be able to get him off of me. Just kidding. Zacky's not fat. He's just a tubby butt.

"Zacky, get off. Or I'll...tell Brian!"

"I'm not scared of Brian."

"Yes, you are. Don't lie, Zachary Baker." Brian was the only one of Zack's friends that I knew. He crashed on our couch sometimes.

"Whatever." He rolled off of me onto the cushion beside him.

I placed my head on his shoulder. "Love you, Zacky!" I said.

"Mhmm." He was not interested at all.

"So, wanna hear about my first day of school?"

"Not really."

I glared up at him. "Fine. I'll call your mom and talk to her." I stood up, advancing towards the kitchen, where our landline phone was located.

"No! Hope, I'll listen," he exclaimed. He hated it when I called Auntie. Mostly because when I did, she always wanted to talk to him; which resulted in a two hour phone convo with his mommy.

I laughed. "Yay."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know Zacky has siblings, but I decided to leave them out, as it's easier for me; no disrespect towards them. :)

Also, I'd like to say thank you all so, so much. This story hasn't even been up a week and it has four stars. That's never happened to any of my stories. It usually takes at least a month or two. Thanks. <3<3<3

P.S. Please, please, please comment. I have so many subscribers for this story, I'd love to know what you all like about it. :)