Status: RIP James Owen Sullivan. We all miss you. You'll always be in our hearts. <3

Ignorance is Kind


As his lips worked on my neck, his hands made their way along my thighs. They pushed the dress I was wearing up higher and higher as they went. His lips moved and found that one special spot right next to my throat. I let out a soft moan, and his hands moved higher still. One of them spanned across my stomach. I arched my back into him.

His hazel eyes found my blue ones when he moved away from my neck. I let out a discontent groan, and he smirked. He placed his lips on mine, and I basked in the amazing feeling of his lip ring on my lips. My hands found their way up to his short hair and I locked him in place against me. His hands found the material of my bra.

My dress was torn off and-

I shot up in the bed I was in and glanced all around me. I was in Jessica's room. Of course; now I remembered. I had stayed at her house the night before. We'd gone to bed around four in the morning. Johnny had, surprisingly, still been out with his friends. The only reason we'd gone to bed, though, was that we knew he would be getting back soon. And guess what naughty thing we'd been doing while he and their parents were out.Yes, we were watching porn. That's right; we'd been drinking. Not that much. We only did it because her parents had the most amazing margarita mix... Okay, that's not true. We also did it because it was fun, and who plays Truth or Dare without being at least a bit tipsy these days? Exactly.

I looked next to be to see that Jess was still sound asleep. Lets just say she had a wee bit more to drink that I did. And yes, when I say a wee bit I mean a shit load. I ain't one to tell her when to stop. She'll rip my hair out. That's not an exaggeration, either. It's happened before. I love Jessica.

I sighed, thinking back to my dream. My cheeks lit up. I knew this only because of the amount of heat that I felt radiating from them.

I looked at the clock on Jessica's bedside table. It said that it was six in the morning. Wow, two hours of sleep. At least I didn't have a headache like I knew Jessica would have. Ah, Johnny was going to kill her. Good times.

I stepped out of the bed carefully; making sure I didn't wake her up. Jessica with a hangover was a major bitch. Not the best of times.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room. If you must know, I was heading for the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I was quite thirsty. Why I didn't just go to the bathroom that was right down the hall from Jessie's room is beyond me.

While I walked through the living room, I paid no attention to the facts that the television was on, there was an extra pair of shoes on the front rug, and there was a shirt laid out on the coffee table. I continued on into the kitchen. At least, I tried to. Right as I walked through the doorway I ran intosomething someone. I knew it was a person because I could feel the soft, warm flesh. I also happened to know that this person wasn't Johnny; they were too tall.

I looked up and guess who I saw. No, I'm not telling you just yet. Guess. Okay, you've waited long enough. It wasMr. Sanders Matt. Yeah, I'm not even lying. How awkward is that?

I immediately jumped back, the heat returning to my cheeks. I looked at him. And guess what. Holy shit. He Like, you have no idea. He had even more tattoos than I thought. He had his shirt off, and he was... Well, if there was such a thing as "perfect," it'd be him. His muscles were magnificent, and once I realized that I was staring, I switched my gaze up to his face. Which didn't help much, as he seemed to be appraising me, too.

Once his eyes met mine, I smiled timidly. "Hi?"

"Uhm.. Hi, Hope," he said nervously.

"Why're you here?"

He looked down at the floor. "We were drinking, and Johnny didn't want me driving home."

"Oh" was all I said.

He nodded.

"Well! This was a nice chat but I'm going to get a glass of water and head back upstairs now," I said quickly.

He stood still as I brushed past him to the sink. I filled a cup with water, then walked back past him. I felt his eyes on me the entire time I walked back to Jessica's room.

I sat the glass on the bedside table, then sat on Jess's bed.

"Where were you?" she asked.

I jumped, not expecting her to be up. "I was getting water."

"Oh." She quickly drifted off back to sleep. I knew she wasn't going stay up for long.

It wasn't until I was almost back to sleep that I realized that all I was wearing was a tank top and underwear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohmigee. It took me two-and-a-half weeks to get this out. Hahha. I'm sorry.
This is so amazing. Ten stars? I love you guys. Thank you so, so much. <3
Comments would make me jizz. Wait, what? Yeah, anyways...