Status: RIP James Owen Sullivan. We all miss you. You'll always be in our hearts. <3

Ignorance is Kind


“So, what happened?”

I stared at Jessica. “What do you mean?”

“He gave you a ride home,” she stated, her voice incredulous.

“Yeah, so? Nothing happened. We talked.”

“About sex?”

“Oh, my God, Jess!”

“What? I bet he’s good.”

“Jessica Logan Seward!”

“Sorry, sorry! Jesus.”

I rolled my eyes and picked at the food on my tray. Jessica and I had decided to go to breakfast that morning before school. Her and Johnny still weren’t on very good terms and she didn't want him to be angry at her for asking to take us to school and all that shit. So, we'd walked and missed breakfast at home.

I felt a jab in my ribs and turned to see that Jordan had taken residence in the seat next to me. He smiled. “Hello, Hopey. How was your weekend?”

Jess snorted and I glared at her.

Jordan raised an eyebrow. “What happened?” he asked slowly.

“Nothing!” I yelled, at the same time that Jess said, “Hope had sex with our teacher.”

Jordy choked on the piece of bagel he’d stolen fro my tray and stared at me. “Excuse me?”

I sighed. “I stayed over at Jessica’s on Friday night and you’ll never believe who Zacky and Johnny are friends with; Mr. Sanders. He stayed over that night too, because he’d been drinking. Then he gave me ride home in the morning. That’s all that happened. I swear.”

“But that’s not all that she wanted to happen,” Jess added.

I groaned. “Will you shut up?”

She grinned at me. “Hope, I love you too much to not inform Jordan of what your sexual desires are.”

“Because Jordan really wants to know them?” Jordan said.

“Of course you do, Jord. You’ve liked Hope since middle school.” Jessica smiled sweetly.

Jordan blushed. That day just got ten times more awkward.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so fucking sorry it took so long to update.
And I'm sorry this is so short.
I swear to Jimmy I'm working on the next chapter right now.
I should have it out later tonight.