You Don't Know Me

Dinner in Hell Part Two

It's only been a half an hour into dinner and I'm being subjected by my mother. "Benessa this, Benessa that." "She's just like her father." I wanted to scream.

"Mom... I think you should eat before your what ever gets cold." I said while interrupting her. She glared at me for a second and then went on about something else. I looked over at Rian. He was talking with Jack about their band. Great! Now when Rian comes over to hang out he'll be having band practice.

"Why do you hate me?" Alex whispered to me. I didn't even look in his direction.

"Because your a man-whore." I spoke with no emotion what so ever. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex frown.. Then I looked past my mother at a man who had just flashed his gun at another man. Shit. I thought.

"Umm... Will you excuse me? I need some fresh air." I said trying to act casual.

"Oh. I'll come with." Rian said while starting to stand up. I looked over at him.

"No, I'll be alright. Just give me five minutes..." I knew Rian and my mother understood what I meant. I walked towards the front door where I had just seen the two men walk outside. I followed them into the ally way.

"You'll do what I say and you and your wife will live." The man, who had the gun, said.

"Please don't hurt Mary. She isn't part of this. I'll do it. Tell Raymond I'll do it!" The other man pleaded.

"Hm... this is like deja vu. I remember you saying last month the same exact thing. Time's up buddy. Now your gunna pay." The hench man grabbed his gun and pointed it at the weaker mans head.

"Please don't.. Please..." He was pleaded more now. I ran and kicked the gun out of his hand and jumping into the air to grab it.

"I don't think so. Raymond isn't taking any more lives." I said.

"Awww... what's the little girl gonna do? You shouldn't play with daddy's guns. It could be dangerous." Hench man guy said.

"I've been trained in more ways than you can imagine. I could kill you with my hands, or even a spoon. I could handle a gun at the age of 5 I think I can handle it now." I said while pointing it straight at his head.

"Think again." Some other guy said as he got me from the back. He had me in a lock, the gun on the ground. "I think daddy's little girl is in quite the little predicament." Just then the grip on me loosened so I break free and punch the other guy in the face one cheek at a time and then one more from the chin up to knock him out. Then I noticed the other guy was on the ground unconscious.

"Did you see what happened to him?" I asked confused.

"Another guy came up and knocked him out than ran... who are you?" At least I can get this man protection.

"I'm an agent with a top secret branch of the FBI... I need to have you taken into protection." I said as I dialed the office.

"And my wife and daughter too?" He asked. I nodded.

"I have two men that need to go into questioning and be locked up and then I need you to take another man and his family into protection." I gave them my location and then waited a few minutes for them to arrive.

"Thank you." Was the last thing I heard from the man I just saved. I walked back into the restaurant to find my mother and everyone waiting. "Shit..." I mumbled.

"A bit more than five minutes.. we'll talk about this later." My mom was pissed.

"Where did you go anyway? Alex came out looking for you?" Jack asked.

"Why would he come look for me?" I gave death glares towards Alex, who's knuckles were swollen.

Something odd is going on.. and I'm going to figure it out.