A Kid in the WWE



One month of being a part of The Legacy.

One month of being Divas Champion.

The minute the bell rang and my music blared throughout the arena, I was so happy I had finally gotten my revenge on Maryse. But the storyline with Mike and Maryse didn't help my victory. With Mike’s apology blogs and my new on-screen romance with Randy, I was getting more popular within the business. I even had an interview and a full-page spread in the magazine, which raked in millions of copies sold and my Diva page more views than any other Diva. I was becoming the Daily Diva and Diva focus more often. But then things in real life started heating up between Randy and I. Not to mention I was still getting phone calls from Adam, who was extremely happy that Mike and I weren't speaking to each other. Well, I wasn't speaking to Mike anyway.

"Randy, stop. I need to throw up."


I got up off the bed and ran to the bathroom as fast as I could.

"Jesus, that's the fifth time today!" Randy said as I brushed my teeth.

"What the hell is going on in here?" The photographer, Johnson, asked. "We need sexy pictures, not ones of you blowing chunks!"

"I'm sorry! I just don't know what's wrong with me!" I sat on the floor and started sobbing.

"Oh sweetie, come here!" Johnson pulled me into a hug as Randy closed the door behind him.

"Are you pregnant?" He whispered.

Am I? I thought. It was a good possibility.

"We're taking you to the doctor, honey." Johnson said.

About an hour later I was sitting in one of the patient rooms with Randy and Johnson.

"Okay you two, spill it." Johnson stood up and faced us.

Randy cleared his throat and looked at me.

"Well, we've kind of brought our storyline to life." I said "We've been sleeping together."

"No wonder the chemistry on camera seemed so real." Johnson laughed.

"Hello! Not a laughing matter here! I might be pregnant!" I cried.

"You are pregnant." The doctor said.


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I can't believe how short these chapters are...