A Kid in the WWE



"Wha...what?" I asked and looked up at the doctor.

"The results came back. Congratulations, Miss Kirk." He smiled and walked out of the room.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I yelled later as we arrived at the arena.

"Calm down, Charlotte. Look, we might not want to let anyone know yet--" Randy said.

"Damn right we don't want to tell anybody! And don't flatter yourself, Orton. It might not be yours." I said angrily and changed into my wrestling gear for my rematch with Maryse.

"Wait, wait, wait. What do you think you're doing? You can't wrestle when you're pregnant!" He grabbed my hand as I reached for the doorknob.

"Uh, yeah I can. Let me go or you'll be the first to try out my taser."

He quickly released my arm and backed away.

I sighed, "Look, Randy. I'm only about a few weeks along. I'll be fine tonight, okay? Don't worry about me."

"You said it might not be mine." He sat down on one of the chairs.

"I'm sorry, I'm just angry right now. I'm at the highest point in my career and I turn up pregnant during my first title reign. Imagine it like you...got a really bad back injury right now as WWE Champion and you had to leave. Wouldn't that suck?"

"Yeah, it would. Just...be careful, alright? And I'll take care of Mike if he comes anywhere near you." He stood up and kissed me.

"I'll be fine. I have some anger to release and Maryse is the perfect dummy." I laughed and left the room down to the entrance.

"Hey, Charlotte, ready for your match?" Ted asked.

"Hell yeah." I smiled.

"Good because I'm gonna go out there with you as a guest commentator." He said.

"Really? Well that's great, man. Let's go." We both waited at the entrance and not three minutes later my music blared and Ted and I walked out together.

Maryse was already in the ring smiling at me. Vince knew our situation and let us make this a real match, no acting whatsoever. I got to kick Maryse's ass for real.

Ted walked over to the table with Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole and put on a headset while I bended as low as I could under the ropes.

"Looks like you've gained some weight." Maryse laughed.

The bell rung and I slapped her across the face and she went flying towards the mat. I took advantage of her lying on her face and stuck my foot into her back and grabbed her right arm. I pulled as hard as I could while she screeched under me.

"Looks like you've lost your touch, slut!" I yelled and pulled harder on her arm.

"Let go! Let go!" The ref yelled. I glared at him but reluctantly threw her arm down.

She staggered back up and kicked me in the thigh. I pulled and Edge and speared her into the mat. I sat on top of her and started wailing on her face.

"Stop!" She cried, "Stop, Charlotte! I'm sorry for everything! I didn't mean to break you and Mike apart, I'm sorry!"

My fist froze in mid-air right above her nose. Instead of punching her I grabbed her face in my hand and forced her to look at me. "Listen to me, Maryse. You knowingly seduced Mike right after he was drafted! I caught you two half naked on the couch in his locker room! You didn't mean to break us apart? You ripped us apart! You ruined our relationship, Maryse! Why would you do that to someone? How could you do that?" I yelled in her face.

Tears trickled out of her eyes as she stared at me. "Edge, I mean Adam...he...he paid me to seduce Mike. He said he saw Mike cheating on you and wanted you to see for yourself that he was no good. So he paid me to break you two up! God, I'm so sorry! You don't know the guilt I've been feeling since you found us!"

My whole body went numb. I stood up and pulled Maryse up with me. "What are you doing?" She asked. "We have to finish this match or Vince will be pissed! Pin me."

"No." I said.

"Pin me now!" She hissed and slapped me.

I shoved her to the mat and kicked her in the ribs. I got on my knees and lifted up her leg.

"One, two, three!"

Ding, ding, ding.


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I'm ready to wrap this story up.