A Kid in the WWE

Hotel Room Cards Are Crap


"I can't believe Teddy didn't’t tell you about that!” Kelly said as we were walking back to the locker room.

"Oh and get this, Mike and I are going to have to do a bit before the show ends showing us leaving together!" I complained.

"I'm so sorry Hun." She said.

Mickie, Kelly, Candice, and I watched the show in the locker room in silence for the next hour and Teddy walked in and told me some things he had "forgotten" to mention.

"You two have to do everything together," He said, "that even means staying in the same hotel room, one bed."

"WHAT?" I shrieked for the second time, "Oh come on, Teddy! That's not fair!"

"It's what couples do. Don't forget that if either one of you breaks up with each other or cheats on one another, you'll be fired permanently." He said and walked out of the room, probably going to go tell Mike the good news.

"Honestly, is he trying to ruin both our lives?" I asked. Candice and Mickie just laughed.

“No couple’s storyline has gone that far behind the scenes.” Kelly said, “I think Teddy’s trying to play matchmaker.”


Mike met me in the hallway later with a camera man so we could do our bit.

The camera man signaled to us that we were on air.

"So what have you decided, cutie?" He asked.

"I think I'll give you a shot." I smiled.

"Well, well, well. Isn't it the two lovebirds?" John came up and put his arms around both of us.

Mike brushed John's arm off of me and said, "Let's get outta here Charlotte."

The cameraman signaled that we were off air and we walked to the garage where Mike had his rental and sped off to the hotel.

"I can't believe we have to share a room." I rested my head on my hand.

"Listen--Teddy said that we can't cheat on each other and we can't dump each other. Of course, I know that you would never cheat on me. I'm too sexy and irresistible." He checked himself out in the rear-view mirror.

"WATCH THE ROAD!" I yelled, "Irresistible? Don't worry, I can resist you easily."

"Really?" He pulled over into a store parking lot.

"Really." I said.

"Let's try this, and if you don't feel anything, I'll go ahead and take us back to the hotel, but if you do, we can hop in the back." He smirked.

"Quit smirking, dammit!" I said. "But fine." He pulled my face towards his and our lips met. We stayed like this for a few minutes and then I pulled back from him.

"Well?" He asked.

Okay, maybe I felt a little spark, but it wasn't enough to even convince myself, so I lied.

"Nothing." I said and looked away.

"Don't you want to know what I felt?" He asked.

"Please don't insult me, I'm not in the mood." I said.

"I'm not going to insult you, but I did feel something, it was small though." He stared at the cars passing by us on the street. "It will probably grow."

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Let's go back to the hotel." He started the car back up. The drive was silent the whole way.


"I'll unlock it!" I grabbed the key out of his hand and stuck it in the slot. The stupid light turned red.

"Let me try." He snatched it from me and put it in. Red.

"Dammit!" I said. "My turn again!"

"Alright, alright, here." He gave me the card.

"Stupid fricking' worthless piece of crap!" I stamped my foot in frustration.

"Thanks, Charlotte. I feel so loved." Jeff said.

"Aw, I wasn't talking about you, Jeffy!" I laughed and gave him a hug.

"Hey, your my girlfriend, remember?" Mike said.

Jeff and I both rolled our eyes, "Let me try." Jeff said. Mike handed him the card and Jeff tried it out. Again, red.

"Man, this card doesn't like neither of us." He said and tried it again. "Dude!"

"Hey guys, what's going on over here?" Jeff's brother Matt came up.

"Their card won't work." Jeff said and flipped the card to Matt.

"I guess I'll try." Matt said and pushed Mike aside with his butt.

"Holy crap!" He said, "I hate your card!"

"Let me try again." Mike said and took the card from Matt.

"Whatever happened to the traditional key?" Jeff wondered.

Mike grunted and ripped the card in half.

"Way to go, dip wad! Now we can't get into our room at all!" I smacked him upside the head.

"I'll go get another one from the front desk." Mike said.

"I wanna go too!" Jeff said and all four of us ended up in the elevator together going downstairs from the seventh floor.

"Maximum weight is five hundred, get out fatty." Mike laughed at Matt.

"Hey! That's not nice!" I said.

"Neither was you hitting me!" He replied.

"Look who's talkin'!" Matt said and hit the back of his hand in Mike's stomach.

"Uh, guys? How come that red light is on and there's a buzzing noise?" Jeff asked.

"Buzzing noise? Shit! We're stuck in the elevator!" I said.

"Great, just great!" Mike said.

"Shut up! You're not helping." Matt said and started banging on the door and yelling for help.

"Neither are you!" I said and shoved him aside and started banging on the door also. Jeff was laughing hysterically behind me, Matt, and Mike.

"Ha-ha! Gotcha!" He laughed and pushed the red button back in.

"JEFF!" We all yelled and slapped him everywhere. The elevator started moving again and we stopped beating Jeff up.

"Sleep with one eye open tonight." I told him.

"Will do." He smiled.

We all walked to the front desk and asked for another key to our room, and Mike paid for the one he tore.

"I'm not going in the elevator with him again." Mike said and took the stairs.

"Fine." I said and walked into the elevator with Matt and Jeff.

"Wow. You and Mike, it's just so weird!" Matt said.

"Really. And Teddy is making us stay together for six months, I think he thinks he's Cupid." I laughed.

"And to think, Adam was going to ask you out." Jeff said.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah. We were talking the other day and he said he was gonna ask you out to dinner sometime.

"Aw man!" I said and slumped against the wall.

"It's my fault too. Teddy convinced me to go out there and insult Mike and then he told Mike to kiss me and start our fiction-turned-real storyline." I sighed.

"Think of it this way, in six months you could be on a date with Copeland." Matt said.

"Or I could be jobless and living with my parents." I stepped out of the elevator when it arrived on the seventh floor. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said to them as they headed off to their rooms.

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